Cyclops - They keep going and going...

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet


I hope you like effects that occur when a card enters play, because that is what this deck does.

7 of the 8 allies have enter play effects, Pixie has an effect when played from hand, but that effect is to fish out one of your allies who does have an enter play effect.

The deck is structured to keep putting these allies into play for their benefits. "To Me, My X-Men", Regroup, and Rapid Response will keep putting them out and bringing them back, each time triggering their enters play effects. Team-Building Exercise and The X-Jet will get them out faster, and Uncanny X-Men,Effective Leadership, Leadership Skill and Utopia will get greater utility from them while they are out.


Master Mold - Solo, Standard - Acolytes