Black Panther - Deck Thinner - MCM Decked Halls! Deck 4/7

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

KennedyHawk · 17642

Enjoy the 4th installment in our Decked Halls! youtube series. We now have covered all the aspects (this being the 4th one), three heroes left to go. Thie Black Panther highlights new cards Enraged and Melee.

He has enough income to play events like Melee and it gives Aggression another upgrade that Shuri can fish out. Shuri can always become enraged herself and become 6 damage over 2 turns instead of 3 over 3. It also gives Enraged some consistancy as she'll be in play when you fish it out.

One of the side goals of this deck is to really thin your deck so on your second/third deck pass you have a much smaller deck. In a build really focused on this you could add a third Honorary Avenger or in multiplayer more copies of Endurance and Down Time.

Have fun and happy holidays!

Youtube Link vs Expert Klaw: