Uncanny Teamwork - Storm

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ChocoboBai · 1157

Lately I have been making some decks for multiplayer, trying to make some fun strategies that would not work in solo. This is the 2nd pair, which focusses on boosting the attack of Colossus and his allies. This half provides supports and upgrades, while also being able to put out plenty of thwart. You can find the Colossus aggression deck here.

To further increase the health of She-Hulk this deck includes Reinforced Suit and Uncanny X-Men. Sidearm is actually super useful if dealing with a villain with retaliate. Then, Storm boosts the attack of everything with Thunderstorm.

This deck includes some of the X-Men support cards. Both decks can have opportunities to switch to alter-ego so you should get plenty of uses. With Danger Room as long as one of the two heroes is in Alter-Ego, you can use it. For example, Storm is in Hero and plays an ally, Piotr in Alter-Ego can use Danger Room to attach an Attack Training from their deck. X-Mansion can keep allies around for longer and Forge helps to set up quicker.

As this deck may need to defend with allies you can make the most of the discount from Uncanny X-Men. Or, if you are in alter-ego get an upgrade instead. Note that you lose the discount in alter-ego as you no longer have the X-Men trait. But, later on the Colossus deck can throw a spare copy of Honorary X-Men on Storm to allow her to keep it.

Storm brings plenty of threat removal from her own cards and is supported by allies boosted with Danger Room Training.

I only include X-Men allies to avoid losing the benefit of Uncanny X-Men. There are not that many options in Leadership, which is why I added Make the Call. Make the Call can actually get Wolverine or She-Hulk back if the Colossus deck could not play them the first time through their deck. You can still use Fastball Special if Wolverine is in play under Storm, but it does mean that Colossus would not be able to use the ally for Team Strike.

Thanks to journeyman2 for some useful feedback on the decks!