Somebody peed my pants!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Stretch · 424

Strategy: Mulligan for Ant-Man's Helmet and Sense of Justice to pay for events. Maximize form change bonuses with Lay Down the Law and Ready to Rumble.

Get Wrist Gauntlets and use Quincarrier, Strength, Enhanced Physique and events to stun in Giant form when you don't need them for threat or healing. Army of Ants in Tiny form. The allies are on the cheaper side to help block when you can't stun. If the villain can become Stalwart, use 3 Making an Entrance and Multitasking, add Blade, and remove Enhanced Physique and Strength.

One Way or Another works with Followed and Justice Served. In solo, I'd add more Followed cards and remove Multitasking.