Rah-rah Rogue!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

HMM · 26

The Pitch Everyone needs a Rogue deck with a cute combo! I built it to use Psionic cards outside the only other option, Phoenix, and Psychic Kicker turns Rogue into a cheerleader for the rest of her team. It takes some set-up because the only ways to give Rogue the Psionic trait are to attach Touched to either Mirage or Professor X. Prof doesn't like to stick around for long so Make the Call is crucial to bring him back. Mirage is less prone to abandon you but she's not exactly built to hang out forever either. Since the cute combo is a small part of the deck, the rest is general Leadership goodness that works just fine without Kicker.

The Plan Team Training and Uncanny X-Men provide extra HP, allowing the team more opportunities to attack or thwart before readying from Kicker. Med Lab allows an overexerted ally to hang out on the sidelines a bit while they wait to get back in the game.

Effective Leadership and Leadership Skill are there to pump an ally's spirits (and stats). EL works better with Kicker since its stat boost lasts throughout the phase. It can be tutored by Beast but you'll need a resource-heavy hand and/or Uncanny X-Men/Team Training on the board in order to play a second ally with EL on the same turn. Leadership Skill can be handy to finish off something just out of reach for an ally, or to set something up for someone else to finish off. Extra readying from Utopia is always welcome, though you're not likely to make use of the extra ally slot.

The Team Angel is a good attacker and cheap blocker. Beast is a flexible attacker or thwarter with a rebate. Gentle has a nice 3 ATK to deal with minions and a decent amount of HP to absorb consequential damage if you need to hit the villain. Mirage and Prof are the lynchpins of the combo and great thwarters as well. Pixie is cheap and another way to get those lynchpins back in hand when needed. Unfortunately, Make the Call doesn't play nicely with cost reductions like Uncanny or Angel since printed cost needs to be paid.

Rogue is strong enough to carry the team with her base stats and efficient events when not borrowing the Psionic trait. Touched will typically go on the villain unless you need more output from Goin' Rogue and Southern Cross. Damage prevention and Tough status from Bulletproof Belle help preserve allies on the board. using Superpower Adaptation while Mirage is Touched can bring Kicker back to get an extra burst from an ally. She doesn't have much to do when she flips down to alter-ego: recovering HP, using Med Lab, or playing X-Gene.

The Bench Colossus could swap in for Angel if you want another heavy hitter besides Gentle. "To Me, My X-Men!" helps dig for allies then likely play them again next turn. X-Mansion is a great thing for a teammate to play, I found that it wasn't always worth space in this deck with how little Rogue wants to flip down.