Hulk - attack me if you dare

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

neothechosen · 10667

This deck is all about attacking. After all, it's Hulk!

It does feature a nice little combo:

play Counterattack then play Toe to Toe

The villain attacks you, gets 5 damage from toe to toe, then you can use Counterattack and /or "You'll Pay for That!", making your toe to toe even more effective, getting twice the damage or a helpful amount of thwarting.

The rest of it is pretty self-explanatory: Martial Prowess to get more fists, a few nice allies, Drop Kick for some more damage or stuns, Jarnbjorn to max out your fists and Combat Training to get as high as 5 dmg from basic attacks if you can combine with Boundless Rage.

Not sure about solo, this deck is very thin on thwart ("You'll Pay for That!"and Sub-Orbital Leap only), but it sure is fun to just go all-out on attack if you have a teammate to handle the rest! Or else try to race the villain on dmg...

Have fun!