Doctor Strange -Summoner v.2

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet


I've made some tweaks to my Dr. Strange deck.

This is a Summoning Spell/Sanctum Sanctorum/Rapid Response deck designed to repeatedly pump out allies, use them up quickly and return them to play. Each ally (except Wong and Havoc) will provide an immediate benefit when entering play.

Summoning Spell can bring your allies out quickly while Sanctum Sanctorum/Leadership Training/Black Panther can all be used to recycle it back into your deck or into play.

Med Lab will allow you to deliberately use up allies via consequential damage and more easily return them. Get Ready and Lead from the Front can combine to make a lot of progress while doing so. This works well with Havok

For Solo play, I recommend replacing Maria Hill with White Tiger for the improved stats and better card draw on higher villain stages.