Flipping and Flying... Aggressively

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

LordRabid · 186

Deckbuilding for Spectrum is.. pretty easy since she can reliably use cards that require flipping or aerial. This deck (and hero) is made for people, like me, who enjoy simplicity and makes for good net-deck material. So for those who want a simple deck to play or have a newer player, here you go:

We got Pitchback and Surprise Attack because we have aerial naturally and we flip (pretty) frequently. If you don't know why this is important, it's because the cards that require flipping or aerial in justice and aggression are some of the most efficient cards in the game at the cost of (usually) being situational. But in Spectrum's case, those situations are very common.

Include some allies and Drop Kick because Spectrum doesn't have much built-in survivability. I do not recommend using Hulk to attack unless he eats a 3 damage attack first. Most of the time, you can get 2 blocks out of him.

Hand Cannon cuz it's good and efficient.

Martial Prowess and Deft Focus for some extra scaling.

Ready to Rumble for when your friends can't take care of that little bit of threat.