Card Draw Thor

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

adsarf · 441

Deck concept

This is a deck designed for solo play against selected villains only. It is good fun where there are plenty of minions and you can go through huge numbers of cards in both player and encounter decks. It is not really any use against the low minion count scenarios.

Card choices

The key theme of the deck is to maximise card draw from Have at Thee and No Quarter. For that, we want the usual Follow Through/Honed Technique combination and a deck as heavy as possible in red cards. Of grey cards, Quincarrier makes the cut to help us pay a once Honed Technique is down, and The Bifrost is unavoidable with either Thor or Valkyrie. The rest we have to do without.

Playing the deck

The process is pretty simple. Find a minion. Splat the minion. Profit. There is a ramp-up phase as a basic No Quarter isn't going to draw a lot of cards or support a really incredible Moment of Triumph. It will take a little time to get the Honed Technique and Follow Through in play. Once those are down, though, you can be drawing 8 cards, and healing for 16 when two of those are Moment of Triumph. The Bifrost is useful at this stage because you can use it to turn a handful of unhelpful cards (like a No Quarter with no minion) into something more useful.

The trick is obviously to last long enough to get into this happy position. Mulligan hard for The Bifrost, but this early phase is also why Psylocke is in this deck. She can give you a chance to get into Alter Ego and relieve some pressure from the villain in the early game, so prioritise her highly when you see her even though she is hard to afford.

How to lose with this deck

There are two ways to lose with this deck. If you playing a high-minion count scenario then you will almost certainly have to lose quickly, because once set up you will be drowning in cards and therefore drowning in options. Much easier to lose if you choose a villain with few minions, so don't do that.


Not a well-balanced solo deck this one, really, and I imagine the way that Defender of the Nine Realms and Looking for Trouble burn through the encounter deck might make you unpopular in multi-player, but fun in the right context.