Captain Marvel - Aggression

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Fromper · 36

Relatively new player, only own base set, Red Skull, and one hero pack in each aspect. Since I just bought Wasp the other day, I wanted to try deck building a better aggression deck than the pre-cons, using all the cards I now own. Except Quincarrier, since that's in the other deck that I'm playing alongside this.

I'm wondering if I went with a few too many cards focused on minion killing, between Into the Fray, 2x Relentless Assault, and 2x Lie in Wait. I also never used Surprise Attack in the one game I played, because I never flipped back to alter-ego after the first round (when I didn't have it in hand), so I'd consider leaving that out.


May 14, 2023 SpanishMalcolm · 63

Valoración del mazo:
Control de la amenaza: 4,9 sobre 5,0
Daño: Sobrepasado
Motor de recursos: 4,3 sobre 5,0
Protección / sanación: 5,0 sobre 5,0
Motor de robo: Sobrepasado
Control y estados: 2,6 sobre 5,0
Valor global del mazo: 4,3 sobre 5,0

Deck Rating:
Threat control: 4,9 out of 5,0
Damage: Overrun
Resource Engine: 4,3 out of 5,0
Protection / Healing: 5,0 out of 5,0
Steal Engine: Overrun
Control and statuses: 2,6 out of 5,0
Overall deck value: 4,3 out of 5,0

May 15, 2023 SoloMarvelChampion · 1333

What are the other heroes you have (so I can see which cards you have to work with)?

Nick Fury could be good option with her Energy Absorption: Play him, Draw 3 cards (ALMOST always, but situationally you might use his other options), then block with him during the Villain Phase. Since he only sticks around for one turn, you can have him in every deck (if you want to).

Does your deck which uses Quincarrier need the resource? You have 4 cards in this deck which do care about specific resources: Thor, Wasp, and 2X Relentless Assault (more on that one later). If that other deck DOESN'T need the (maybe it does, I don't know LOL) it would be a good fit here and you could send Helicarrier there and use Quincarrier here.

Also, I like flipping down to alter-ego with her because she can flip back up with 9 cards: Hand Size 6, +1 with her "Commander" ability, -1 +2 with Alpha Flight Station (card filter is always a welcome IMO), and +1 with Avengers Mansion. You might not have all of that in play, but flipping up with 8 is still good. This makes Surprise Attack a little better, and make Nick easier to play.

Two cards I'd probably cut:

  • Into the Fray: There are times when this will "fire" properly, but more often than not I'm frustrated with this card because there will be times when you either can't afford it (because you want to do something else), or you CAN afford it but...
    • There are no minions in play or (I play true-solo, but if you're playing two-handed the odds are higher that you'll have a minion) or...
    • There's no threat on the main (or only 1) or...
    • There's a Crisis Icon in play.
  • Press the Advantage: Two cards (the resource plus this card) for two damage isn't great. It's better if you're stunning or confusing a LOT, but this deck isn't (maybe your other deck is though).

With that said, Martial Prowess would help both of these cards if you don't want to cut them, and all of your other Attack events as well (especially Relentless Assault since it gives you your resource to "kick" it).

I like Lie in Wait because you set it and forget it. It's not a Forced Response, so you can choose whether or not you want to trigger it when a minion pops up.

May 15, 2023 SoloMarvelChampion · 1333

I thought Martial Prowess was in the Core, but it's in the Hulk Hero pack. My bad!