The Best Defense

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Shazbahty · 580

The best defense is a good offense. I like simple decks and you can't get much simpler than just punching the villain. This deck is straight forward, you flip punch the villain with Leading Blow and ready up, then punch the villain again and ready up with Limitless Stamina, then punch the villain again and ready up with One-Two Punch, finally punch the villain again.

But what about thwarting? She-Hulk has that handled too! Make sure the mulligan hard for Superhuman Law Division. Then after all the punching flip down and use all the mental resources available to remove 2 threat. Oh and Warlock also likes all those mental resources. By the way as of 5/18 with the updated rules reference Superhuman Law Division is no longer a thwart action so she doesn't care about confuse.

What I've realize with her is that she isn't the 1-3-2 that is printed. If you commit hard to flipping she is a 2(2.5) thwart AND 4 attack per round hero. Starting in alter-ego thwart 2 with Superhuman Law Division then flip up to deal 2 damage with Do You Even Lift then punch, next round punch flip down Superhuman Law Division again and Object. If you're still worried about thwart Professor X is included for the confuse and a nice 3 thwart.

Other cards to consider Defensive Training to retrieve Leading Blow. Civic Duty could be swapped in for Enhanced Awareness, with all the readies She-Hulk herself could do some heavy thwarting. Ready to Rumble is always there if you find yourself needing to recover or just feel like you want another ready.


May 19, 2023 Control · 3

This deck is a lot of fun to play, it feels thematic to each side you flip and is simple to use. 10/10 I have gone 2-0 vs Expert Crossbones and Klaw.

Apr 09, 2024 Nomad · 15

Enhanced Awareness might be a hard sell to fuel Superhuman Law Division. Since it is a Hero Action and not labeled as a Resource, to get the science energy, you need to be in hero form first, then flip down and then use the energy for SLD. So if you start in alter-ego, you can't get a free use of SLD unless you have a science resource in your hand already.