Card draw simulator
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InigoMontoya · 5209
Note: This deck is in no way an endorsement of Brains Over Brain. It's terrible, but Quicksilver is one of the few heroes to not only make it work, but make it fun.
A while ago while making decks on Reddit, I was challenged to make Brains Over Brawn viable. What I came up with is pretty close to this. Since then, Overwatch, Professor X and Dazzler make this deck even more powerful for solo and multiplayer. Despite the promise of "Brains" this is really just a deck myopically focused on building up Quicksilver's base thwart so can not only keep all the threat down, but smack down minions and villains with BoB.
Here's how we do that:
Use Heroic Intuition, Symbiote Suit and Hyper Perception to get his base thwart up to 4. This get BoB up to minion killing level. It's also means Making an Entrance should almost always get you 2 HP, and Overwatch will clear two schemes of 4 threat.
Maximum Velocity will bring that number up to 6. It also brings your attack up 5. Getting down Serval Industries is key to see this card more often.
Civic Duty can bring his thwart up to 9. I wouldn't hold all 3 for that big round. Instead just used them as they come to pair 1 or 2 with a Maximum Velocity. With a One Way or Another, there's a decent shot at pulling a Brains Over Brawn, too. Still a BoB of 6 to 9 damage is crazy good for Justice. Plus, Quicksilver should still have an activation left.
Professor X and Dazzler allow us to flip down and get the extra cards we need for big turns.
Quincarrier and Deft Focus make Pietro more efficient, but aren't necessary to building up your thwarting potential.
That's it. Impress your friends and family by making a card that never worked before seem almost good!
May 20, 2023 |
May 21, 2023
I think Phoenix, Rocket, Rogue and Wasp come close to being able to pull it off. Kudos back to you for using it, too! How did you ready Rocket? Justice Served and CITT? |
May 21, 2023Justice Served and CITT, exactly! |
May 23, 2023Kudos for continuing to try and find cool builds in the drought! |
May 24, 2023How does the timing work woth BoB and Making an Entrance? The BoB doesn't get the +2 does it? Your write up suggests it does unless I'm misunderstanding |
May 24, 2023
I was considering how to "best" make a Brains Over Brawn deck recently as well. Kudos to you for something that isn't terrible in multiplayer. Of note, I actually ran a couple of copies of Brains Over Brawn in the Rocket Justice deck I took to Con of Heroes because I purposely was trying to build something that wasn't just like every other Justice deck I play.