Rocket blows Away Baddies with his Mind

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Shazbahty · 580

I saw this Deck Built by InigoMontoya from a challenge to build a deck around Brains Over Brawn and I thought that seemed like a fun challenge so here is my crazy idea.

I choose Rocket Raccoon because he has plenty of ways to deal damage without his activation. With Thruster Boots and Heroic Intuition it is easy enough to get his thwart up to 4 and with I've Got a Plan make it 5 with an extra activation. Then I leaned hard into Brains Over Brawn. I threw Vigilante Training in to make sure you could retrieve it for multiple uses in a pass and Gamora to go and try to fetch it, which is why I kept it light on events. With The Power of Justice and Salvage you shouldn't have much trouble paying for it.

As for the rest of the deck they are just kind of there. Interrogation Room is nice in a minion heavy scenario but maybe switch it out for C.I.T.T for an extra activation. The rest of the allies are... not great. I just like to try to throw cards that I don't see a lot in decks. I've had fun with this deck and maybe you will too.