"Why don't you just take a seat?" | Rogue Control Deck

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
"Why don't you just take a seat?" V2 - Rogue Control Deck | 2 1 0 2.0
My Rogue Test 0 0 0 1.0

Martymaus · 203

"Darlin', you ain't fit to be a bad guy."


Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to spam the villain with status cards like the conniving sassy Southern firecracker that you are, and then beat them into submission.

Combine Rogue's incredible control power with Goin' Rogue (GR) and Southern Cross (SC) when Touched is applied to the villain, and amplify it with:

1. Allies that stun or confuse (Psylocke, Professor X, Mockingbird, and Spider-girl). Yes, you can afford Psylocke's 2x attack, deal 1 damage and confuses for 4 resources.
2. Mutant Education to get more identity-specific cards (i.e SC, GR, BB) back into your deck to wash, rinse, repeat.
3. Using Touched on your own allies to use Superpower Adaptation to pull GR, SC, and BB back into your hand. 2x SC in 1 turn with right resources + Aerial extra damage = win.
4. Proper use of Bulletproof Belle to prevent damage and gain tough, so villain continues to waste their attack. (Almost a stun in its own right).

GR, SC, and BB are your lifeblood -- get them back into your deck, not just so you can just keep slapping your villains around (but yes, that), but to make the most of those fine and dandy cheap upgrades, Deft Focus and X-Gene. Those only work on your identity-specific cards, which also happen to be superpower cards, so you need to make sure you get them back into your deck or hand for use, so you're always owning for nearly nothing. Aggression heavy decks lose the benefits of resource generation from X-Gene/Deft Focus, so this deck focuses on cheaper Aggression card synergies.

You are always going to be changing in and out of your civvies (form change) here as depending on what status card you've hit them with (or if BB is ready), making it easy to draw and play upgrades, and study up your Mutant Education (need that Xavier University diploma to get a job), or cash in all the tokens you earned thrashing minions with Hall of Heroes. This is really helpful because it's no secret Rogue is not a resource generator.

We've got some nifty tools to help you on your way:

a. Your good friend Moira MacTaggert is there to hook you up with a card as you swap out of forms, which you'll be doing frequently.

b. The X-mansion will provide some health for you and allies, and more card draw with Mutant Education.

c. Take the X-Jet for a spin for resource generation.

d. To help with card draw and all those stuns and confuses you'll be playing, Press the Advantage is your new friend.

e. Wolverine is tame now; the years of therapy have paid off and he's a class act. He's there for some free thwart removal every turn (he's our Yondu of thwarting), and to remove the occasional tough when you don't remove it via retaliation. By keeping him out of conflict, you'll also be making sure you can gain Aerial. Speaking of which...

f. Pitchback is there for some excellent low cost attack combos when Rogue gets to be Aerial so easily. Pair it with a basic attack, Press the Advantage, or when we're lucky (or paired right with a Superpower Adaptation), a SC (8 + 4 = 12 hit combo). I've seen Cyclops cry out his visor in jealousy for all the work he has to put into setting up Full Blast.

Other things I've considered:

Dive Bomb is way too expensive, we're on a budget, we don't got those kind of resources to throw around. We need flexible cards that can be played throughout the game's stages -- thank you, Pitchback.

Drop Kick: too expensive, not easy to generate all aggression resources to pay for it, so too inconsistent for stunning and draws.

No Quarter is not best paired with Rogue -- go use that with a Rocket Raccoon aggression build. I know, I know, that's unpopular to say, but boy do you feel stupid when you blow past Rogue's amazing identity-specific cards for some half as good aggression cards you can hardly afford and don't pair with Deft Focus and X-Gene. And what a slow build to work to align it with Follow Through, and Honed Technique that only applies to aggression events. Just stop trying to force your Yankee ways down on this sophisticated southern belle. Rogue doesn't have time for that -- she's got a Cajun to kiss.

Jun 28, 2023 Kenji · 15

How do you go to an ally and a vilain on the same turn to have stun/confused on your event and the bonus of aerial? You just have 2 energy transferts for that right?

And I'd consider putting Forge instead of Angel.

Jun 28, 2023 Martymaus · 203

Not on the same turn, unless you've got the right hand and resources to do so. But it's not usually needed on same turn for aerial bonus, but paying attention to right scenarios:

  1. If you've got tough/BB, then just put touched on ally and go aerial for Pitchback/SC damage bonus. If they're not confused, with GR you may want to touched on villain to confuse with GR.
  2. If villain is stunned, then put touched on ally and go aerial for Pitchback/SC damage bonus. If they're not confused, with GR you may want to touched on villain to confuse with GR.
  3. If villain is confused, same -- go aerial, inflict damage, then flip to alter ego. Increase your hand size to then come back and smack again, play Mutant Education, trip Moira's ability when you flip back.
  4. If you're comforting parting with ally, then you can also go aerial for Pitchback/GR&SC bonus. If you don't, you'll want to consider if aerial bonus provides enough value to take some damage (maybe you're high health and good with defending for the bonus; have a energy transfer to re-ready Rogue after defending on next turn).

You'll find one of these scenarios is pretty frequent in my experience, so it's not that hard to align strong hits.

As for Angel, I'm not passionate about him -- but 2 cost ally with 3 health (can chump slightly better) and 2 ATK is not bad. I feel he's underappreciated. Forge would be good for pulling the X-men Supports, but the X-men Supports are less essential to this build -- nice to have, but not must have in play, which is part of the reason I enjoy this deck. But confession: I don't have Storm pack yet, so I haven't had Forge to play with. :D

2 other solid alternatives for Angel would be (a) Marvel Boy for piercing -- Rogue's attack run can be annoyingly frustrated by enemy's having tough -- a nice compliment with Wolverine too. Yes, Rogue's retaliation can remove the tough (fascinating setup with Toe to Toe there, not in this deck, to remove toughs and then deal damage), but when you've got SC, you want to play it, not wait or waste it, and (b) Ironheart to help with card draw. Allies here are built around capabilities versus traits, so less essential for it to be an X-men ally.

Jun 28, 2023 Martymaus · 203

Correction to my last comment For 1, true with tough, not with BB, as that requires attacking enemy to have touched to be played.

Jun 29, 2023 Dksbobblehead · 14

Nice! Gonna have to give this one a spin. Given how frequently you're flipping, did you find any issues with access to The X-Jet while in Alter-Ego? I've seen a lot of X-Men decks running a copy or two of Honorary X-Men to ensure access to the resource. Was that something you tested out?

Jun 29, 2023 Martymaus · 203

Not too much, as I was giving it to the X-men second player to take advantage of. I like the suggestion of Honorary X-men. Some other cards I've wanted to test out in this deck include Meditation and Plan of Attack. Cards that have wiggle room if you're looking at 40 cards include Angel, Hall of Heroes; next less essential would be Spider-girl (goes to Minion the stun/confuse), perhaps Moira MacTaggart, and X-mansion due to circumstantial nature. Although, I've done just fine with Moira most of the time.

Jun 30, 2023 Martymaus · 203

@Dksbobblehead As I've given it more thought, I think for this deck Helicarrier is superior to X-Jet. Rogue doesn't need the specific resource generator, so reduction in cost by 1 is just fine, and you can use it in alter-ego and hero forms. Same cost, same benefit to use it for yourself or another player. X-Gene provides a wild resource already for the times you'd want to apply it (from straight resource need perspective). I'll put that in version 2, unless someone can think of a better reason not to swap it. Saves you from needing to play Honorary X-men, so more efficient.

Jul 02, 2023 Kenji · 15

I had some big problems with Superpower adaptation. We need Gambit to get back specific identity event and a lot of time, I don't have him on board and SA as a dead card.

Jul 03, 2023 Martymaus · 203

Superpower Adaptation is always challenging with needing your signature ally to grab a signature event from your own deck. If you can't get Gambit out, in solo, use SA to touch a basic ally to grab a Mutant Education, or an aggro ally to grab a Pitchback/Press the Advantage. SA is always a dead card if you have no allies in solo, since you can't use Touched on Rogue. In multiplayer, you have a lot more options to touch the other player's Hero and play one of their high-power signature events. Ideally, I'd want an X-men ally from which I can tap into a superpower/identity-specific event for paying with X-Gene/Deft Focus.

Oct 08, 2023 lightninlad · 10

This is a very nice build. I would make it a 41 card deck though and add in Gambit/Rogue’s Team-Up card. That way you can apply Touched to Angel, Professor X or Mocking Birth and then use Superpower Adaptation to recur it for a sweet 4-threat and 4-damage removal for only 2 cost.