Gold Adaptation

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

SaucySam · 9

Touched is a tricky card to play around with. Typically we'll have it on the villain for retaliate 1, status triggers on some of our identity specific events, and access to Bulletproof Belle. We can put it onto a teammate to cantrip with some of our events and shake status effects. Handy, but niche. The real spice comes in when attached to an ally. Boosted efficiency on some of some events and aerial are nice, but Superpower Adaptation enables some silly plays as the game goes on. This card drove me to make most of my choices in this deck.

Recycling her powerful events will take us pretty far on it's own. In order to do this, we'll need to either attach Touched to Gambit for a Superpower Adaptation or use Mutant Education to shuffle them back in. The latter of these options requires us to flip to alter ego, making justice a worthwhile consideration for our aspect.

Since Rogue struggles with her economy, we want to keep our other events pretty cheap. By using a small S.H.I.E.L.D package, we build up cards in play to maximize the amount of events we have in deck when it's time to shuffle our discard back in. Homeland Intervention squeezes extra value out of our S.H.I.E.L.D. allies and supports while also costing 0.

Our basic allies allow us to recur basic events, including our previously mentioned Mutant Education but also Assess the Situation should we not want to flip down to alter ego. They also let us recur a key card in Beauty and the Thief if we have Gambit in play as well.

Gambit really is the star of the show. He's a fine ally on his own, but giving access to our identity specific cards on Superpower Adaptation turns him up to a great ally. Add in our team up card in Beauty and the Thief and we have a solid 10/10. It is worth noting that if our obligation isn't in the discard yet, it is worth considering using Energy Transfer or flipping to alter ego to get Touched off of him. He can contribute longer than normal if you heal him with X-Mansion as well.

Since we like to have a justice ally, a basic ally, and Gambit in play to have options for our Superpower Adaptation, we'll find ourselves defending or taking attacks more than chump blocking. Bulletproof Belle really helps out with this, essentially eating 2 attacks if set up to do so. Of course if we have another justice or basic ally in hand, we can chump as needed. Our ideal spread is Quake, Angel, and Gambit. Quake can snipe minions who are scheming while we are flipping up and down, while the other two can be healed with X-Mansion, allowing them to contribute with their basic activations.

Now disregard all of this if you spot a cool event in a teammate's discard pile. Feel free to spice up your games this way since you can cast many trait locked events with a little bit of Touched gymnastics. Rogue is not a one trick pony! Hope you enjoy!