Wild Assessment

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

MQ2 · 48

After playing the first two scenarios of the NeXt Evolution set with both the Cable and Domino precon decks (something we rarely ever do with Heroes), we decided it was a good enough starting point from which to build our own. I must stress, this deck was built as a Co-Op deck to work with the https://marvelcdb.com/decklist/view/31132/player-schemes-and-shield-dreams-1.0 (Cable) deck I have also posted. After toying with a Cable Leadership build (w/ all the new X force toys) and a Domino Aggression build (w/ Cosmo focus), these are what we've come to.

I imagine as a basic build it could fit in with many things, but for now I've only been able to play it in a few games with Cable, with tweaks along the way. So far we've defeated the following scenarios:

-Expert Taskmaster

-Expert Red Skull

-Expert Sabretooth - (This is about the point where this deck shifted away from Aggression to this)

-Expert Klaw

Both decks performed quite well in each scenario, but this one feels much better after shifting from Aggression to this. I won't go into details about every card change along the way, but I will attempt to go over how they ideally want to play with each other, since I believe they complement each other well.

This is a deck, designed for 2p, that wants to go 1st, specifically with the Player Schemes and SHIELD dreams deck. NOTE: for the games we did the 2 Power in All of Us and the 1 Avengers Mansion were not in the deck, and were instead 3 Resourceful. This proved to be quite good but I think we could benefit off a mansion draw for our teammate Cable more than an additional resource here and there, and the Power in All of Us seems like a better replacement for the allies we have, as well as being wild resources themselves. Also, the 1 Endurance was instead 1 Vigilante Training, which proved to be unnecessary and so was swapped after the games to instead add a little more longevity to her low HP, which I believe is the way to go.

Top priorities first turn are The Painted Lady, Weapon X, and Assess the Situation. In fact, Assess the Situation is so vital that I would count at least one in your opening hand as essential. With 1, using your AE ability to reuse it, you have an 8 card hand next turn (assuming you stay AE, which, if the two decks are played together, you should be able to). You should have no trouble getting some value from your cards turn 1 (playing an ally, etc) and then getting a massive swing next turn with even more shenanigans.

There's so much this Hero can do it boggles the mind- definitely a new favorite. Between Jackpot! plays, Domino's Pistol plays, ally plays, stacking, swapping, getting rid of pesky villain attachments, attacking, defending; she runs the gamut of good stuff. However, the one thing Domino seems weakest in is thwarting. At least, on face. We're in Justice for the confuses (Concussive Blow). What we don't want is to sacrifice our fun to play thwart cards. That's Cable's area. That's the plan deck; this is the everything else deck.

By the time you're rolling you should have more options than you know what to do with, and with all the wilds in the deck, luck should always be on your side. I look forward to more games with these Heroes!