Unburied Treasure Trove

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

AbisMal · 9

Because of the dearth of attack, thwart, and defense cards, Leadership can be overlooked as a potential aspect for Ms. Marvel; however, Leadership's potential for card draw, along with Ms. Marvel's own Wiggle Room, can allow Ms. Marvel to access her own events, such as Big Hands and Sneak By relatively frequently for large damage and control.

So behold as Kamala Khan combines with her allies to overwhelm villains and minions by Digging Deep to unbury a treasure trove of resources and allies, assisted by Leadership's Make the Call.

Nick Fury will often provide the engine that drives this vehicle, though he is heavily assisted by the other allies. Meanwhile, Make the Call gives regular access to Professor X to allow the alter-ego Kamala to utilize her baked in ability Teen Spirit, which often produces Digging Deep and White Fox, especially with judicial use of Aamir Khan's ability to bring back Digging Deep, White Fox, and Kamala's own Big Hands.

Get Ready allows the larger allies, such as Beast, Caliban, and Nick Fury to attack for 4 damage or maintain control of threat, and Rapid Response can increase this further with the right timing. It can also increase Nick Fury's card draw capabilities. In addition, Rapid Response allows Beast to bring back fruitful double resources or Black Panther to once again Make the Call for Professor X or Nick Fury.

Lockjaw will regularly be discarded and be available for play when other allies are not at hand. When played from the discard pile, it takes 4 cards to play Lockjaw, which is the same number of cards it takes to play a 3-cost ally from one's hand. Very often, though, Lockjaw will be unneeded once the engine is rolling, but he gives Ms. Marvel a nice emergency back up plan when the cards don't seem to be cooperating to unbury the usual treasure trove of options.