The Avengers Go To Wakanda!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

AradonT · 24

This is a big Avengers Assemble deck. Because it plans out for a big single turn, it can be vulnerable to emergencies on its own, and can be outpaced by some bad Encounter Deck flips or boosts. However, Strength In Numbers can do solid work for Black Panther, making it a very strong multiplayer choice.

You play a standard Black Panther game by getting your Black Panther upgrades out in a reasonable manner, hopefully on the first trip through the deck, but instead of playing allies to thwart and then block, keep your allies in play with 2 health remaining. Your goal is to get 3+ of them in play so you can draw more cards with Strength In Numbers . This helps you cycle your deck more quickly and see more Wakanda Forever! as well as set up a big Avengers Assemble! turn.

Once you see an Avengers Assemble! in your hand, you can attempt to get ready for a big following turn. Keep the Avengers Assemble, and flip to T'Challa. Next turn, you'll be able to draw 2 from The Golden City (and maybe 1 from Avengers Mansion), which will hopefully allow you to play a Lead from the Front, Avengers Assemble!, and/or discard an energy for Vision, letting you swing with 3+ Avengers (including Black Panther) for what should be decisive amounts of damage.

Rules note: if you play Lead from the Front or Avengers Assemble!, their effects last the entire turn, including any Avengers you play afterwards. For instance, you could play Avengers Assemble!, ready a Squirrel Girl for 2 damage, letting her go to the discard pile, then Make the Call to replay her. She would enter ready, and able to swing for another 2 points of damage. The same works for Lead from the Front with Maria Hill.

Just try and stay in the game long enough to get to this point! Sometimes you'll have to toss an ally in front of an attack, but remember that the more allies you have in play, the more cards you can draw with Strength In Numbers, and the more you'll be able to Wakanda Forever!.