
Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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None. Self-made deck here.
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MrMimigma · 2298

Its time to fly and protect yourself and other players.

The best way to do so, is Ever Vigilant. This card make Angel good in thwarting cases, even if you play him in protection.

Worthington Industries helps out to get Ever Vigilant or his other really good aerial events back in his deck.

With a lot of ressource cards and the very strong hero-ability from Angel, he can play the most of time two or more events.

Avian Anatomy and The Power of Flight are two new really good options beside the other ones.

Hard Knocks is a expensive card, but absolute playable, thanks to Angels hero-ablity and Techno-Organic Wings, which will reduce the cost of aerial events by 2.

The divine defense base on two instances:

  1. Tough status cards : Get it with Hard Knocks, more easy with Perseverance, or Aerial Agility

  2. Healing:

With Momentum Shift, Angels alter-ego ability, What Doesn't Kill Me or REC

The good thing is, Anger or Archangel dont need to exhaust, make the readys more effectiv and give the options for more basic thwarts or attacks.

Moira MacTaggert, Worthington Industries and Metamorphosis grants a nice economy for card draws, REC and becomes more powerful with Techno-Organic Wings, if you start in archangel form.

Techno-Organic Wings is a very powerful card thats worth to mulligan for.

Soaring Acrobatics is a once per turn combat training or heroic intuition.

With all the aerial events and allys, Team-Building Exercise is a auto include in this deck.

His own kit makes him so versatile, that i dont need to say anything about Adaptive Plummage to control the villain.

Razor Dive and Natural Flight also helps and in combination with archangel, dont forget to deal the ressource cost as damage on minions or the villain himself.

Have fun with the deck, and stay protective.