Confusion Captain Colossus

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Scotobot · 168

Steel Fist, Upside the Head, Concussive Blow, Dazzler, Professor X! All these cards provide confuse, and some even can stun! The idea is to keep the enemy confused to allow you (and teammates) so flip to alter-ego safely.

The idea came from the new cards Directed Force and Upside the Head, both of which work nicely with Colossus's Made of Rage event.

We've got some standard Colossus gear here (Deft Focus, Unshakable,Limitless Stamina, Mutant Education, and we really want to flip lots so we included X-Mansion and Moira MacTaggert to help out.

Since we are flipping so much, Vigilante Training can help get those confusion events back into the deck.

Concussive Blow is a bit outclassed by Sonic Rifle, bu5 thematically, I had to go with the punches. Titanium Muscles also helps with the needed resource for the damage.

Lay Down the Law is also included for efficient threat clearing, and note that you can use it on the villain turn if you Armor Up on the activation. This means you could clear threat after villain phase step 1, but before any scheming!