Unglamorous! Protection Hulk!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Attercop! · 75

First draft of Protection Hulk intended to be played in Multiplayer.

Immovable Object and Energy Barrier both provide a lot of extra defense value for Hulk. The primary idea is that, because of the forced discard, this deck plays a number of Upgrade/Support cards early on to build up Hulk. Ideally, you'll start finding and using your Desperate Defense after setting up several cards that remain in play.

With Hulks massive health and 3 printed DEF, you should be able to buy a few turns to get those upgrades in play with Clea and Tacklebeing able to buy you a turn once in a while when things go sideways for you.