90 degrees of righteousness

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Lazytitan421 · 442

This is without a doubt my favorite deck of all time. It's a perfect symphony of doing damage and not thwarting, while also being effectively immortal. Setup for this deck is simple, Muliigan any card that isn't DWI Theet Mastery or Symbiote Suit (except maybe double resources). How to play this deck is even easier, just turn sideways at the villain, then do anything that readies you, then turn sideways again, then repeat. When this deck gets going, you can easily do 50-60 damage in a turn, but it can be hard to see coming. Best way to see it coming is to divide the villain's health by 6 then see if you can ready that many times. If you can, then good job! You win the game.

A couple things to remember

  1. Unless you are going to die for sure, only use Med Team on Mantis, it gets you way overall healing.
  2. Don't ever flip, unless you will 100% die, its not worth the tempo hit. This includes your obligation, when you pull the obligation, just get stunned. If you have The Night Nurse, she solves the problem, otherwise just lose the 1 attack, it's fine. and if you are gonna die, just be Too Stubborn to Die.
  3. Only use the night nurse if you clear a status, she's very valuble to keep around
  4. Don't do too much math, once you have Symbiote Suit, Drax's Knife, and 3 vengeance counters, your attack is 6. Don't count it every time.
  5. "Fight Me, Coward!" is awesome, but do be careful, some villains are cowards, and some will crush you. I would say you can afford up to 6 damage from "Fight Me, Coward!". If you're gonna take more than that, maybe don't. (Or do it, you're not a coward.)
  6. Drax's Other Knife is lame, don't play it over anything else.
  7. Finally, dont be stingy with the defense cards, when you need them, use them. (Especially Parry, it's just Backflip with more words).

P.S For you solo players, this deck doesn't thwart, but you can for sure make it work. This deck has beat 3 player villains in 4 turns, on it's own. You just gotta believe in the dream and go for the kill.

If you didn't find this deck through the Winning Hand Podcast, come check us out, you can find us anywhere you find your podcasts! We talk about 1 new card every episode and this one was the main man himself, Drax!


Oct 06, 2023 boomguy · 757

Awesome deck. I’ve seen this deck in person and it absolutely SLAYS. Great write up as well! Love your podcast too!
