The Magnificent Multiple Men

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

teamcanadahockey2002 · 6999

"Put Into Play" Deck Series

The release of the Player Side Schemes has been the biggest change to Marvel Champions in some while. With the ability to put cards into play, rather than playing the cards directly, this has opened up some card combinations that were not previously possible.

(For those who would like the reference, according to RR1.5 in the “Play, Put Into Play” section: “Some abilities cause cards to be put into play. This bypasses the need to pay the card’s cost as well as any restrictions or prohibitions regarding playing that card”)

In this deck series released over the next few days or so, I would like to share five decks that highlight cards that can now be played without restriction through the use of Player Side Schemes:

You Get One Shot… featuring Call for Backup --> Gamora

The G.I.R.L. In Cerebro featuring Build Support --> Cerebro

Adamantium Upgrades featuring Build Support--> Weapon X

The Magnificent Multiple Men featuring Build Support--> Knowhere

Aamir and Angela featuring Build Support --> The Bifrost

The Magnificent Multiple Men

This is a deck that I've been close to sharing for quite a while - since Pinpoint came out with the Ironheart release. The goal of the deck is very straightforward: Use Pinpoint to put two copies of Multiple Man back into the deck so that you can use Rapid Response on the third to reset the team for the cost of only 2 ER.

This deck works great in Multiplayer as you can provide blocks for the group all the time. It's also pretty solid in Solo and I'll provide a timing chart later on to demonstrate how to manage the Men.

However, the biggest reason I didn't feel ready to publish the deck before is that there are two key cards needed before you can start playing this strategy: Make the Call and The Triskelion.

Playing Pinpoint

Make the Call has always been available to cheat Pinpoint into play. It is still likely to be your main strategy as soon as you have a copy and she hits the discard pile. It is annoying to have to wait on her to show up, but now Call for Backup is also available for us to get Pinpoint on the table earlier.

However, this deck isn't about Call for Backup, it's about getting that 4th ally slot. Before the introduction of Player Side Schemes, the only option available to Spider-Woman to get a 4th ally was the Triskelion. If you find this card early, you need to play it. But with Build Support, you can also get Knowhere into play which can also provide an extra ally. Having one more option allows this deck to be much more viable now!


Jessica Drew is the only character who is capable of playing both the Protection based Multiple Men, along with the Leadership based Make the Call or Call for Backup needed to get Pinpoint into play.

In theory, another Champion could now play Pinpoint and use Knowhere off of Build Support, but they wouldn't have access to the Leadership cards, meaning the lack of the Triskelion removes half the options available to get a 4th ally slot.

Having access to Rapid Response (or Make the Call) is also a huge advantage for getting the Multiple Men back on the table again, which makes Spider-Woman the logical character to try this out.

The Tanks

In multiplayer, once you're set up you'll be able to help tank villain attacks for the table and free up your teammates. With the addition of Muster Courage, you can even make some of your Men Tough which means they can weather multiple attacks because of Hangar Bay.

An ideal turn might involve something like this:

  • Start your turn with all 3 Multiple Men (MM from here on out) in play, 2 of them being Tough, all with 1 HP left
  • Block with one of the MM who has a tough for a 1st villain attack. Ready that ally using Hangar Bay
  • Block with that same ally again for a 2nd villain attack. Use Pinpoint to shuffle that copy of MM back into your deck.
  • Block with the other MM who has a tough for a 3rd villain attack. This ally will be exhausted now.
  • On the hero turn, use a copy of the Command Team to ready Pinpoint. Use another copy of the Command Team to ready the exhausted MM.
  • Attack or Thwart with the fresh copy of MM. Use Pinpoint to shuffle that ally back into the deck again.
  • Attack of Thwart the the remaining copy of MM. Use Rapid Response bring that ally back into play with 1 HP remaining.
  • Put the other two copies of MM back into play with 2 HP remaining. Activate them back to get down to 1 HP

Essentially, with Pinpoint, you can always shuffle one MM back into your deck per turn. If one of them is Tough, you can use Hangar Bay in order to block a second time. Command Teams can be used to help ready MM or Pinpoint in order to be triggered on the hero turn.

Solo Play

This may actually play best in solo as you won't be relying on needing to use Command Teams as much. A typical sequence may look like this:

  • Begin with 3 MM in play with 1 HP each
  • On the villain turn, block with a MM. Use Pinpoint to shuffle MM back in
  • On the next villain turn, block with a MM, and use Pinpoint to shuffle that MM back in.
  • On your hero turn, trigger the final MM using a Rapid Response to get all three back into play
  • If you find a copy of Muster Courage, you can then make some of them Tough, and then use Hangar Bay in order to ready one on the villain turn
  • Any copies of Command Team can then be used to ready an exhausted MM or ready Pinpoint to trigger the reset process faster if needed

Other Cards

Filling out a Spider-Woman deck is tricky when you have to have an equal number of cards from both Blue and Green. The core of the deck is the MM, Pinpoint and Rapid Response. Command Teams and Hangar Bay will help to ready allies and Muster Courage provides extra Toughs.

Make the Call and Call for Backup are used for getting Pinpoint into play.

I found that having all three double resources are valuable because sometime you may have a Make the Call in hand and no Rapid Response on the table. In this case, you can just replay the one MM that goes to a discard pile by paying the 4 cost. The Rapid Response combo only costs 3 ER which is cheaper and can be paid for using Finesse so it's preferred. But Make the Call is another option here. When you do use Make the Call, having double The Power of Protection is nice, and it's also useful for Muster Courage as well.


Honesty, this is a tough deck to pilot, but a really fun puzzle to figure out how to keep your Multiple Men all the right place you need them to be - on the table, shuffled back into your deck, or in your discard pile (only with MtC in hand). You can really lean into being a tank in multiplayer, especially with your access to more status effects with Contaminant Immunity and Pheromones.

This does take 2 cards to really get going though... you need to cheat both Pinpoint into play, as well as find either Knowhere (through Build Support) or the Triskellion to get that 4th ally. As with all of the decks I'm posting in this series though, once you get your game plan up and running, you're almost certain to have the setup needed to win.

As always, thanks for reading through this walkthrough and checking out my deck. Likes and comments are always appreciated!

Until next time Champions...


Oct 07, 2023 dr00 · 40382

this is even better than using Make the Call on someone else's Multiple Man so you can 4 out at the same time (but you can still do that if you have a crafty Protection player also at the table haha)

Oct 07, 2023 teamcanadahockey2002 · 6999

@dr00 getting that 4th MM would be possible with Knowhere AND the Triskellion out now. Usually if I get both I play Captain Marvel.

Could you use Pinpoint to shuffle someone elses MM into your deck afterstealing them with MtC? (I don't think so but would need to look closer)

Oct 07, 2023 teamcanadahockey2002 · 6999

(It took 30 second to look lol... shuffle into the Owners deck)

Oct 08, 2023 josseroo · 620

I so want Starhawk in here to take advantage of Knowhere. Why must I be denied? Whyyyyyyy?

Oct 09, 2023 teamcanadahockey2002 · 6999

@josseroo Thats not actually a bad idea. I usually use Captain Marvel for when I can get that 5th ally slot, but Starhawk would be a good resource sink when you have one extra!

Oct 09, 2023 LACK OF SUBTLETY · 739

@josseroo You can have Starhawk, you would just need to go to 42 cards. Starhawk and one more Leadership card (maybe another Make the Call?).

Oct 09, 2023 josseroo · 620

Starhawk is like SP//dr where in the mid game you can just use them for value when you don’t have more pressing or otherwise better options. It never feels bad as a resource sink