Card draw simulator
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nitrinho · 10
Yet another Wolverine deck to spend as much turns as Heroe as possible. Tons of events that prevent boost icons during activations, heal and prepare Wolverine
How to play it
Focus in getting your resource generators (Nerves of Steel, X-Gene and The X-Jet) as soon as possible and putting into play your two life upgrades (Adamantium Skeleton and Endurance) too. As every Protection deck, your turns will be quick while you'll get fun in the villain ones.
I included the best blockers with the X-MEN trait: Armor and Colossus both come with Tough status and Polaris will give us a nice Tough status. Rockslide live points are great for blocking too. Yes, Colossus, Polaris and Rockslide are expensive, but that's the reason I've included a couple of Mutant Protectors. It's risky to have the expensive allies in hand and draw this event at the same time... but should work.
Not a great fan of mulligan, but go fo the Berserker Frenzy and Adamantium Skeleton ASAP. Get rid of Logan's Cabin o I Got Better
I've though about including Nightcrawler as ally, but I feel his mechanic requires a solid and generous economy, and this deck lacks it although having three generators. Another great card to include is Team-Building Exercise as allies get cheapier but this its incompatible with...
40 card deck
Although I'm a 40 cards only adept, I'm struggling to reach my objective. Maybe the most dispensable card is Preservation, but I like the idea to maintain my life as high as possible to avoid switching into Alter-ego and a is always useful fro discarting enemy accessories. Another dispensable card is Rockslide as it's too expensive, but removing it from the deck make the couple of Mutant Protectors copies useless. Bring one Team-Building Exercise copy and replace it by the The X-Jet in case you're playing with three other X-MEN.
Have fun and I'm open to feedback.
The name of thee deck comes from one of the best 90's TV moments in Spain: