SCL Season 16, Round 2 - Rocket-Speed Bazooka of Justice

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

MathyNoodles · 54

Hey ya'll! Didn't see anyone posting a Rocket deck this week, so I figured I'd put mine up for anyone who still needs to sneak their games in! While I didn't have nearly as much time this round to test and tweak my deck, it still did a great freakin' job at cleaning up Taskmaster's garbage real quick. I went 2/2/3 with clean healthy wins, went for Tactical Scanner and Contingency Plan for my upgrades, and had a great time doing it!

Nothing too crazy here, mostly just a bunch of the good justice cards and the side scheme attachments.

In retrospect I probably would've taken out Clear the Area as they were rarely needed, and Star-Lord seemed good in theory but was definitely overkill in practice.

Pop Tac Scanner turn 1 to try to get your weapons out ASAP for their full value.

Pivotal Moment ended up being great for getting some extra damage in to close things out quick, but Contingency Plan was the absolute MVP, with Venom and Nick Fury both being amazing targets.

Vivian is even better than usual here, as getting her turn 1 means you can use her to target Hydra Patrol to prevent the minion from coming out when it's defeated. You can also use her to disable the extra encounter card you get from taking out Hydra Soldier, and there are plenty of nasty attachments floating around this deck that can definitely throw off your game plan a bit.

While Take Out the Guards is mostly there as a backup target for your side scheme attachments, I BELIEVE there's also a good synergy in its ability to take out Hydra Soldier without triggering the extra encounter card, as to the best of my knowledge the "Discard" effect that triggers from the PSS does not equate to "Defeating" the minion that is removed.