SP//dr has Greater Strength is in Numbers

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

ArchAngel65K · 14

From Suggestions on Reddit, and the reminder that Moral Boost is a card, this list is born.

I am using SP//dr as a multi-readying hero. I don’t own everything, so I’m missing Sinister Motives. Currently using the last list (SP//dr's Tenacity), and now this one for the custom campaign "Going Viral."

Game Plan: -Early Game: Set up the interfaces and get the resource game going. Use allies as early chump blockers for the villain.

-Mid-Game: Keep the allies on the board to fuel Strength In Numbers to have all supports stick on the field.

-Late Game: Cycle through the deck with Assess the Situation and a full board of allies with Strength In Numbers. Every cycle should net a Morale Boost and, hopefully, 3-4 ready's with the combination of Host Spider, All Systems Go!, SP//dr Command, and Limitless Stamina. Be a little cheeky with the one-of copy of Teamwork, especially if VEN#m has 4 sym counters to utilize stats.