Angel of Death

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

jasonbrown0620 · 237

This deck is a face-smashing menace.

The deck revolves around getting out Honed Technique and spamming Dive Bomb. Honed technique allows your Dive Bomb to do 11 damage to the villain and another 5 to every other enemy in play. And if you're in Archangel form, add another 4 damage to the villain. Even with no minions in play, getting 15 damage for a 4-cost event is a pretty good deal.

With a couple Team-Building Exercises, Helicarrier, Martial Prowess, and plenty of resource cards, playing 2-3 Dive Bombs per turn is not unfeasible.

In early game, aim to get out the supports and upgrades noted above, as well as Worthington Industries, which will allow you to keep recycling Dive Bombs back into your deck, though you may opt for thwarting events or Metamorphosis instead in the early game. To add additional tutoring abilities for Dive Bomb, I've added Assault Training, though I seldom find myself using it.