Wolverine: Safety Sequence

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

CardboardChampions · 385

This is a safer version of our Berserker Sequence deck that doesn't involve using Angela or Looking for Trouble to fish out minions. The main focus of the deck is the same, but against villains with few minions, extremely dangerous minions, or just plain risk-averse players, this version is a lot safer, and is likely better against heavy-hitters like Ronan, or the Space Pirates Modular Encounter Set.

Key changes in this one besides removing all the risky cards include Fusillade. This allows you to get value out of Wolverine's Claws on turns where it's unplayable, as well as adding more mental resources for Honed Technique. Generally, it's not as good as using the claws to play a free attack event, but against the sorts of villains this deck is intended for, you really don't want to tempt fate by taking that much extra damage.