Magik walks out her dog

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Raxle · 32

A very simple but efficient deck.

It's all about...Cosmo !

Take the dog out, give him some toys to play, and let him deal the damage every turn while you take care of the rest.

You can equip Cosmo with Enraged, Sidearm, Energy Spear and when you make him Honorary X-Men, attack training.

That will make him a huge monster dog, hitting for 7 each turn and not taking any consecutive damage.

How do you that ?

Very simply.

Cosmo does not take consecutive damage if you can guess correctly what is the first card discarded from your deck.

Thankfully, Magic always plays with her top card face up...So it won't be too hard to guess, isn't it ?

Try it out and have fun !


Apr 09, 2024 MrSelfDestruct · 8

I just want to say - I thought this was overkill. But I took this up against Apocalypse and the good boy made mincemeat of all those Prelate minions!

...And now I want to ADD Overkill to Cosmo. Such a fun deck!