Best Buds!

Card draw simulator

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HeroicSkeleton · 258

What more could you want in a sidekick than Wade's best bud, Cable? At full power, he's a whopping 5 ATK, 4 THW, and 3 health, for 3 cost. And you can get him fully charged by turn 3 pretty reasonably. We want to play him early, charge up quick, and fight Side-by-Side as best buds should!

Turn 1

Try to get Cable and Sidekick down turn 1. Keep resources, Suit Up, Cable, and Exhausting Personality. Mulligan everything else (If you start with both Cable and Sidekick, keep both. But don't hold Sidekick by itself.) All you need in your opening hand is a double resource and Suit Up. Two resources + Suit Up, or Cable + Sidekick + resource gives you one card left in hand. With Wade's alter ego ability we can turn this last card into Exhausting Personality. This will not only stun and confuse the villain, but give Cable +1/+1 right away!

Suiting Up

There is only one Sidekick, but 3 copies of Suit Up. Don't worry, they won't go to waste! You can suit up with any of the other allies and grab another upgrade to throw on Cable! For this there's 2 options, Inspired, and Sidearm. The third upgrade we can get with Suit Up is Clarity of Purpose. This is better to put on Deadpool himself, or one of your teammates.

The 3 other allies are just here to grab more upgrades with Suit Up. You can play them if you have enough resources, or they can just be spent to pay for the upgrades. Conveniently, all of our upgrades are 1 cost, so even if you spend your last resources to play Suit Up, you'll still be able to play the upgrade! Nick Fury is not as easy to play with Suit Up, but he's great to cycle through the deck. He's especially good when you get a big late game Exhausting Personality draw.

The Bestest of Buds!

Not only is Cable a great Sidekick, Deadpool himself synergizes with it as well. The heal from Sidekick requires you to make a basic recovery, which is something Wade does more than any other hero in the game! Get Chimichanga Truck out, and you'll be able to recover and ready up for an attack or thwart after you flip. With his inclination towards taking a beating and his 8 recovery, you are going to be doing this every turn anyway. Why not get some free healing on Cable while we are at it? The hero ability, The Regeneratin' Regenerate, also lets him get a free flip down to alter ego, allowing you to trigger recovery and alter ego abilities while still ending your turn in hero form. This is not only useful for Sidekick, it lets us easily play Suit Up as well!

Once you have your bud fully suited up, he's sitting at 7 ATK and 5 THW. Now all there is left to do is to get as many readies on him as possible. For this we have Side-by-Side and Command Team. Side-by-side gives you 2 choices, but we are always choosing the second. We are already set on healing, and the buff lasts until the end of the phase. This means that it stacks! By playing 2 side-by-sides, the two characters will get +2/+2. If you can pull that off and then use Command Team, you'll be pushing some serious damage. Always remember to activate both Cable and Deadpool before using Side-by-side, as the event will ready both characters. Late game, this combo of Side-by-Side + Command Team can easily do 30+ damage, throw a Maximum Effort in there and you'll be single handedly destroying the villain even in multiplayer!

Everything Else

Moira is an auto-include with Deadpool. Frenemies is a fun card. Super high value thwarting for cheap, and we really don't care about the damage at all. Mutant Education lets us cycle events for Wade's Break the Fourth Wall ability, as well as replaying our Montage. With Specialized Training, we will usually be grabbing Front Line Specialist as Deadpool. Surveillance Specialist and Combat Specialist also work, depending on the situation.

Card Swaps and Final Thoughts

X-Bunker is here with the assumption that your teammates will bring a few player side schemes. If this isn't the case, you will want to swap this out. Helicarrier would be the simplest replacement. Allies can also be swapped out. While I found that these allies worked the best, the important thing here is just having 3-4 allies in total. Some other allies that work well include Professor X, Squirrel Girl, X-23, and Domino.

Deadpool is the BEST Sidekick hero in the game. Not only do we have a super powerful signature ally, we also have a hero that can very easily go down to alter ego to heal our sidekick every turn.

This has been a really fun way to play Deadpool. If you give it a try, let me know how it goes!


Apr 01, 2024 andyr · 4485

It just makes me think of ally Cable’s flavor text with Josh Brolin’s voice! Also, the deck looks awesome! Good sidekick combo!

Apr 01, 2024 HeroicSkeleton · 258

@andyr Thanks! The new leadership cards are really fun, and its been so nice to play Deadpool in a different way

Apr 01, 2024 Láthspell · 6

Great deck, going to give it a try myself soon and let you know how it goes! I knew as soon as I saw Sidekick that I'd want to see a clever Deadpool build for Cable with it for the exact reason you go into, he's the one hero I can think of that genuinely uses the basic recovery often and efficiently. Props for using Suit Up to accelerate the voltron as well, I really dig that card.

Apr 07, 2024 Láthspell · 6

Having played this deck a handful of times now: I like it a lot. The late game turns can be explosive, even in less than ideal circumstances with only a handful of the pieces. Setting up the Cable voltron has been extremely reliable, and even without Side-by-Side or one of the Command Teams I've still had disgustingly excessive closing turns . It helps that if one of the pieces is missing it's usually because you've drawn one of the big-damage events from Deadpool's own kit that you can use pretty easily to supplement Cables chunky damage output.

Apr 08, 2024 HeroicSkeleton · 258

@Láthspellthat's great! Happy to hear it's working well for you. Are you playing true solo or with multiple heroes?

Apr 09, 2024 Láthspell · 6

@HeroicSkeleton Oh boy, blog post incoming. I've been playing it two-handed, accompanied by an older Wolverine Justice deck that doesn't even synergize particularly well or use the current card pool beyond Mutant Genesis; I'm considering shaking things up with an actual X-Force member in Justice using some player side schemes. I hadn't played a significant amount of Deadpool, so I was concerned about his acceleration token gimmick and brought extra thwarting along but that hasn't been too necessary after all; Cable can even thwart very well in a late-game emergency.

Usually by the time I'm getting any acceleration tokens I'm genuinely happy to see them since I'm typically close enough to being set-up to get the Cable payoff and a win with a little extra push from Maximum Effort, This Card is Fire or both (disgusting). I also tend to go from 0-to-3 tokens very quickly. Funnily enough my closing "payload" for the last two games was Exhausting Personality as a final signal the turn before that the game was ending (going for a final acceleration token and doing the stun and confuse to limit activations), followed by multiple Cable activations and one of the two big Deadpool damage events the next turn. There's a very fun sense of "controlled chaos" going on here, which nails the whole "Cable & Deadpool" theme on the head.

Apr 09, 2024 HeroicSkeleton · 258

@Láthspellyeah, between Yoo-Hoo!, Cable, Frenemies, and It Ain't Over, you more than make up for the acceleration tokens you add. And unlike other Deadpool decks that I've played, for this one we only need 3 tokens, which isn't that bad