Hulk - Aggro solo wins!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Hulk - Aggro ( no desistiré) 1 0 0 1.0

neothechosen · 10662

I had such a hard time soloing Hulk I had given up it entirely (outside of Justice). However, tonight, I tried aggro solo again with a few of the newer cards in the mix. Surprise: I beat expert Rhino twice in a row! Here's how:

  • First, Hulk usually has to basic attack, ideally with Hulk Smash, to get the damage done. Lots of decks try adding to this with Combat Training or Skilled Strike. This poses problem, however, especially with stun or tough status cards that will prevent your attack from being effective. Instead, I threw in Press the Advantage and Piercing Strike. They're cheap, and since they're events, you'll still get to basic attack aferwards. Piercing Strike is real good as it gets rid of tough too.

  • Hulk has, of course, a major issue: no thwart. You best chance at thwarting is through your allies, or by using "You'll Pay for That!" and #totherescue as well as Sub-Orbital Leap. Nick Fury and Sentry saved my life big time.

  • Another issue: the hand size. Make use of Helicarrier and Quincarrier to help play costly cards and allies, but don't hesitate to flip to Bruce Banner to keep a good card in hand. I won game 2 without even any of those, I just had Martial Prowess as a resource generator.

  • The deck also features lots of physical resources to max out Hulk's own cards.

  • Lastly, other cards consideration: Since I won both game without using "You'll Pay for That!" once, I'm unsure how it fits. I think it might sometimes be good, but you have to be lucky to draw it right in time, can't keep it in your hands or use it as Banner. I was wondering about Drop Kick, which could combo nicely with Press the Advantage. Also, I've given some thought to using Lockjaw or War Machine, as they can be real helpful for thwarting.

Still super hyped it got to work out!

Have fun!