OMG…Pigs CAN Fly

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

andyr · 6660

I’m about to get on a plane, so why not help Peter Porker fly as well!

Spider-Woman has the ability to lean into 3 powerful traits: S.H.I.E.L.D., Avenger, and Web Warrior. This and her alter-ego Action makes her uniquely equipped to help Spider-Ham get up on a Sky Cycle and stay up on it.

I usually don't like Voltron decks, and I generally stay away from them. But who can't resist the chance to make pigs fly. It makes you feel like anything is possible.

The Voltron

Get Spider-Ham in play and attach Inspired, Warrior of the Great Web, Power Gloves, Sky Cycle, and Honorary Avenger. This makes Spider-Ham a readyable 3/3 who does a damage for activating who's attack grows as Web Warriors leave play with 4 health. Not that it matters too much, but Peter Porker now has the Aerial trait. You’ve taught a pig to ride a Sky Cycle and fly.

Keep Spider-Ham Alive

Global Logistics and her alter-ego Action allow you to know and somewhat control how much damage Spider-Ham is going to take from activating once or twice (if you have Sky Cycle) on him.

Thanks to the powerful status card Pheromones, it's easy to be able to flip to alter-ego and use your identity for Global Logistics or the action. If you don't want to use her alter-ego, Monica Chang will help you get a S.H.I.E.L.D. card in play. You're welcome to use Surveillance Team, but you can also leave it out there with 1 counter as a target for Global Logistics

Get Spider-Ham Into Play

This deck comes with 6 cards that, once in play or completed, will let you play Spider-Ham. Those cards are: Spider-Man, 3x Warrior of the Great Web, Web of Life and Destiny, and Call for Backup. Once you get Spider-Ham in play, give him one of your Warrior of the Great Web and the Honorary Avenger.

Don't Neglect Superhuman Agility

What's nice about this Web Warrior is that those 3 upgrades still help you get the stat bonus cheaply, and then Global Logistics is cheap and triggers the ability. So it’s pretty easy to get the stat bonus once Spider-Ham is an Honorary Avenger.

Make sure to give yourself a Warrior of the Great Web so you can get +1 ATK when a Web Warrior leaves play. So now you can use SP//dr to draw a card and give you and Ham +1 ATK which turns into four damage from two Spider-Ham activations and probably at-least two Spider-Woman activations (readies through Peter or Self-Propelled Glide).

Enjoy Your Flight

You can still use Finesse and play two or three aspects a turn to bump up your stats. It’s an important part of Spider-Woman. This deck may have the occasional turn where you only get one aspect in because you are getting Spider-Ham set up. You’ll also take a hit or two because you need to activation to keep board state. However, the tide will turn quickly. It’s a quick setup voltron that just gets better as you add more upgrades.

Enjoy teaching Peter Porker to fly!


May 04, 2024 Marctimmins89 · 298

Love this. Well done!

May 04, 2024 corbintm · 1718

I dig it! Good stuff here!

May 06, 2024 andyr · 6660

@Marctimmins89 @corbintm. Thanks so much! I really appreciate it

May 07, 2024 josseroo · 702

Love the global logistics to set up Ham to take no damage. It might be fun to run with this even further and use other allies that interact with the encounter deck so that you could get info from blindfold and then make decisions from there

May 07, 2024 MrSelfDestruct · 10

Just commenting here to say - had a blast playing with you at the Con this weekend! Join us over on the Discord! We've all been reminiscing! I want to try to start a regular TTS night over there, would love to play again!

May 07, 2024 hitbuttons · 1

Hi. Thank you for posting awesome decks, this is my first Spider-Woman deck I've built and it's awesome!

Come check out the discord! We'd love to have your presence there.

May 07, 2024 tjjj · 237

Cya on discord soon, nice playing with you Thursday night!

May 07, 2024 andyr · 6660

@josseroo I got so locked in on Ham that I forgot Cosmo would love the same treatment!!

@MrSelfDestruct, @hitbuttons, @tjjj it was an absolute blast getting to meet you and play with y’all! I’ll definitely do it!

May 07, 2024 bandofsirens · 659

So, uh, is this where I’m supposed to tell you to join the Discord? It was great meeting you and getting to play at Con of Heroes!

May 08, 2024 DMTip · 1

I haven't played nearly enough Jessica Drew. I'm excited to take some techniques and strategies here for that deck concept we chatted about.

Excited for you to join the Discord too...

May 08, 2024 krautbammer · 125

Join the discord

I did this for the memes....

May 08, 2024 journeyman2 · 23932

Dear @andyr,

Greetings and salutations!! We are cordially inviting you to join the Marvel Champions discord. Your presence is requested posthaste. We hope to hear from you at your earliest convenience.


Your friends at Con of Heroes!