SCL S17R4 - Whirlpool

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

tjjj · 610

I play a lot of Storm, typically in protection. Coming back from Con of Heroes I had originally intended to just play my protection deck and not tech for the matchup. I've been having a lot of fun with the pool aspect recently and put together a quick deck that leans into her resource deficiency and some key cards that allow you to flip and the result was better than I expected. Here are some key takeaways:

Not my Responsibility, Blackout, and Professor X were all very important for getting back to AE to spend some time quality time in the garden. Blackout specifically was great here as it helped smooth out the threat removal and was a great resource dump when clunky hands appeared.

The suite of allies was pretty typical to a pool deck, but some special shoutouts for Vivian, Marrow and Deadpool. I've been running Deadpool in many of my recent SCL decks and he is very useful in these short games where 1 acceleration token is not a big deal.

The other big combo that helped close games out was Mutant Education and X-Mansion to return Torrential Rain, Blast of Wind and Lightning Bolt to your deck. Although it didn't come out every game X-Bunker was reliable in at least one game.

I had originally intended to hold my attack cards for a stage 2-3 clear and avoid the 3 encounter cards but that never worked out.

Game 1 9/0/14 Shadows of the past came out turn 6 and ruined what could have been a much faster game.

Game 2 10/0/10 Another game that felt like it was going my way and then a turn 8 shadows turned it against me. I had a decent board state by this time and could handle that plus the 3 encounter cards without too much trouble.

Game 3 10/0/9 Turn 1 Crisis of Infinite Dreadpool made this a really tough game to manage. My only game that was not totally clean with 1 less than max health.


May 10, 2024 corbintm · 2517

A tjjj deck with a writeup omg