Vision's Intangibles

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

andyr · 10378

Defenseless Defending

Any good competitor has intangibles. Those things that you just can't see but make a big impact. There's something so intangible about Vision. I can't quite put my finger on what it is though. Each time I try, I feel like I just pass through it.

Defend Everyone

This deck may not cancel every attack, but you can definitely reduce a lot of villain damage. Not a single one of these cards is a defense action, so you can chill in Intangible and use your basic action to help the Justice player thwart.

Get Aerial

Four characters in this deck can help get Aerial Intervention online and going. It's a great way to "defend" with your aerial ally without risking damage to your ally. You exhaust them, and you prevented three damage for your friends. It's also just an Action, so you can trigger it in Alter-Ego.

Your Hero Phase

With many "defend the table" decks, your hero phase isn't that big because you made space for everyone else to have a big hero phase. Hopefully, Digging Deep and White Fox came out from Deflection discards. These help give you resources for the one or two cards left in your hand for the hero phase. Also, once you have Avengers Mansion and Helicarrier down, you CAN use those to help yourself, but they are really powerful when helping others get that 6th card to do a lot more. Usually ask at the start of the hero phase if anyone needs a card or a discount.

Dense Alter Ego

Since this deck isn't about a ton of setup and goes with the flow, it's better to give yourself lots of healing. When you flip down, go to Dense form and recover for 5. If you can do Phase Disruption right before you change mass forms, even better. The villain won't see it coming. Use Aerial Intervention to help your friends. You are still aerial in Alter-Ego if Angel flew away.

Enjoy defending the table without actually defending. In two player, use some of the cards for you. In three or four player, spend most of the cards on the other heroes. It can be hard to see sometimes, but using your intangibles to reduce 6-9 damage each villain phase has massive ripple the wind...which I also can't see...unlike actual ripples.


May 17, 2024 boomguy · 2551

I am a simple man. I see a Vision deck, I leave a comment.

How about Get Behind Me!? And how often is PiAoU really needed? It seems like you wouldn't use it with only 5 targets (one of which you want to put into play as a discarded card).

May 17, 2024 Man-is-Obsolete · 6354

Great concept and deck, but I agree with Boomguy and I would sub PiAoU for maybe 2 more aerial allies like Starhawk, and yea Get Behind Me is interesting here as well. There’s a lot of stuff one would want to….stuff in this deck and PiAoU seems like a good place to get some more of those things in here.

But don’t let that detract from what you’ve done here! This is a really great direction to take Vision.

May 17, 2024 andyr · 10378

@boomguy i definitely love the idea of Get Behind Me, especially in two player where you're not as spent preventing damage. And it's a great callout that PiAoU is not the most crucial card, but it does help coach a hand toward the support side of the deck, and that came in handy (punintended) since you'll have a limited hand in hero phase to work with. Unlike Vision though, I can see where that substitution can definitely change the protection shape in a great way.

@Man-is-Obsolete totally get that. I don't know why I missed that Starhawk is aerial! I do think I tried to focus on aerial allies that I was okay leaving out, but there's no push toward Starhawk's ability AND 2-cost is nice! I'd be more tempted to sub out a pinned down for him, but I definitely see the value in targeting PiAoU as well.

thanks, y'all , for looking at and commenting on the deck!

May 17, 2024 boomguy · 2551

Glad to see people trying out my boy!

May 17, 2024 boomguy · 2551

Also, I’m realizing no Reboot! Why not use that instead of flipping down to heal and thwart more?

May 17, 2024 teamcanadahockey2002 · 9821

With Cannonball out, I think Starhawk is a must play. And then you'd want to consider Power of Green and the Power of Aerial cards too...

May 17, 2024 andyr · 10378

@boomguy Vision is pretty awesome! I don’t think I fully understood his versatility when he first came out! I’m a believer. :)

As far as Reboot, the deck had some at first, but it caused too much churn trying to fill the damage preventing role while holding onto it. And I was only flipping to alter-ego once in standard and two (rarely three) times in expert. It wasn’t worth the cognitive load for me. Each hand felt clear what the goal was.

@teamcanadahockey2002 there’s definitely an aerial vision deck in there, but I will say, my goal with aerial is just for intervention. So Cannonball will be used for Aerial Intervention, I’m not as worried about aerial cards to reduce his consequential. This deck’s role is to mitigate villain damage for two or three other players. I do think Starhawk can be in, but that still only gives 4 targets for power of green. But that’s where I think you’re right that there’s an interesting vision aerial deck to be had. This deck is just looking to play a support role by reducing damage so players are rarely exhausted or spent moving into the hero phase

May 17, 2024 dr00 · 46556

this is so cool! love it. i love the defending without 'defending' but also can we talk about the absolute badassary of Deflection and Digging Deep/White Fox? chef's kiss

May 17, 2024 journeyman2 · 27093

Any thoughts to Specialized? Thinking if you're in Intangible, PSS are good and the card draw could help with not flipping to Dense. Clear it with a single Solar Beam in solo, and the rest of the table appreciates it in multi I'm sure. Just a thought, I like what you've done here!

May 17, 2024 Castlefrank47 · 1919

@andyr haven't played Vision much but this looks like a good one to try out. Thanks for sharing!

May 19, 2024 andyr · 10378

@dr00 thanks!! :D it’s definitely fun to replenish a hand

@journeyman2 I definitely like the idea of specialized! I didn’t even think about it from a Solar Beam perspective. I’m definitely for it!

@Castlefrank47 absolutely! Thanks for giving it a look.

May 20, 2024 theromeo3517 · 2206

Love the theme of a bunch of enemies trying and failing to hurt phased vision!

May 20, 2024 Kesari86 · 25

Vision was the first pack I bought (even before the core set), so it has a special place for me. I also love playing tank in multi, though I couldn't do it with Vision, but I guess that's gonna be different now. Thank you very much for sharing this deck.