Wild Tutor - Adam Warlock 2024 update

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
Wild Tutor - Adam Warlock 939 781 275 1.0
Inspiration for
None yet

munkey8486 · 166

This deck honestly didn’t need much help as it still stand as an incredibly strong and versatile deck.

I included White Fox and Digging Deep as they are good value cards in a deck with this much discard. I also added Goldballs and took out The Power of Aggression since Goldballs allows you to discard more cards for power on the swing which makes a lot of your cards even better. The Power of Leadership also got traded for Mission Leader to help draw more cards and benefit your whole team.

Also included Specialized Training and Superpower Training to have an easier time getting out your needed upgrades and to help the team with the Specialized Training cards.