Star-Lord Brokers a Mayhemic Mutant Alliance

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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None yet

Dirius · 162


This is a really awesome Star-Lord deck that uses the new Mutant Mayhem card from Jubilee's set. This is a card that lets you return a X-Force and X-Men ally from play and then play them for FREE!!

Unfortunately, it can be tough to stick two allies for a turn to play Mutant Mayhem on the subseuqent player phase, or otherwise play both an ally and the event in a single turn -- it's just too expensive in Solo play. That's where Star-Lord comes in! He has the unique ability to get a 3-resource reduction on a single card-play per turn, for free*.

Thus, the deck aims to run multiple powerful X-Men and X-Force allies with enter play effects to double up on their value. Those allies get healed AND get to make a basic action again! Paying a single encounter card to full heal + replay 8-9 ER of allies!? Wow. And if we stack up the +2/+2 effect of Blaze of Glory at the same time? Woooo baby.


Mayyyybe an X-men character could eke out this strategy in solo, but they'd have to use cheap-O 2-cost neutral allies (or just be Bishop lol). Star-Lord is rich. He gets to run ultra-premium, juicy, 4-cost allies. In this deck they are in three main groups:

The X-Force

  • Cable crazy stats, especially with Leader of the Guardian's in play -- he can clear a Player Side Scheme by himself and draw a card.
  • Caliban gets allies in hand from the top of the deck to increase the consistency of the alliance requirement. And if he misses? Encounter cards! Woohoo!
  • X-23 Star-Lord's single weakspot is really wide minion boards; he has no events to deal with that. X-23 plows right through them. What a nice fit. With Blaze of Glory active, she can slice down even those annoying 5hp minions.

    The X-Men

  • Beast is such a crazy ally to bounce. He pays himself off in full if you hit him with Mutant Mayhem!
  • Professor X is an OP card. So why not play him twice? Stun a big minion from all your encounter cards. Confuse the villain. Thwart 6-8 along with that. Nice
  • Pixie Like Caliban, this is more consistency for the combo.
  • Mirage With Leader of the Guardians in play, Mirage will be able to stun any character with up to 2 SCH. That is most stage 2 villains!

    The Others

    These allies can't be bounced, but they're still really strong and great with Rapid Response.

  • Nick Fury Like Professor X, Nick Fury is just an OP neutral ally. Crazy on-play benefits, takes a hit, and just bonkers if Rapid Responsed.
  • Gamora An excellent Guardian ally that will pull the strong events of the deck. I think she's always worth using in Star-Lord decks unless you want to go full Avengers, or something.
  • Nova Prime he's pricey. you don't usually play him unless against Zola or other scenarios with big, non-elite minions.

Example Turn

Rapid Response in Play, Beast in Play, Knowhere in Play. Mutant Mayhem, Caliban, 3x ER in hand.

  1. Beast attacks, dies to consequenial. Return to play w/ Rapid Response. Add Strength to hand.
  2. Play Caliban from Hand, draw from Knowhere. Mutant Mayhem, Professor X, Strength in hand, 1x ER. Attack w/ Caliban
  3. Play Mutant Mayhem with What Could Go Wrong? hero ability. Return Genius. Discard into Pixie. Professor X, Pixie, Genius, Strength, 1x ER in hand.
  4. Play Professor X and Pixie. (or maybe Pixie is a Blaze of Glory??!)
  5. Swing with all.


  • Blaze of Glory maybe it's a little cheesy, but this card is so fun. I'm not sure if it's the official ruling, but I treat this as an aura, where all Guardians in play or that enter play for the phase have the boost. This means the bounced allies from Mutant Mayhem get the +2/+2 after their free play.
  • Sliding Shot, Daring Escape These are the usual Star-Lord finishers.
  • Gutsy Move is rarely played.

Player Side Schemes

3x Player Side Schemes seems excessive, but this deck has lots of thwarting and really benefits from all of the rewards. Cable makes these especially worthwhile, essentially refunding their cost with his draw effect.

  • Build Support fetches Bad Boy, which is basically a stun and draw 2. If that's in play, then pulling Knowhere is nice as well.
  • Superpower Training can pull one of Star-Lords powerful upgrades.
  • Call for Backup can be use to "bank" an ally for a particularly powerful Blaze of Glory + Mutant Mayhem turn. Have an ally survive a turn, thwart the scheme with basic actions and then play your events!


All the double resources are good because the deck has Beast. All Leader Ship cards in the deck cost at least 2 and there are lots of them, so The Power of Leadership will always be an efficient card.


Knowhere is for the card draw. The +1 ally limit is secondary. Bad Boy can setup some very powerful turns.


Rapid Response is the usual Leadership ally bouncing powerhouse. Getting a 4 cost ally back is so crazy. Star-Lord's Helmet is always very fun.

Upgrade Priority

Cuts & Subsitutions

There are 41-cards in the deck. you could probably cut 1x Blaze of Glory or Mirage against high SCH encounters.

"Welcome Aboard" functions as even more double-resource cards in ally-heavy Leadership decks. I'm not sure there is space for this, though.

Deathlok + Clarity of Purpose could be an interesting combo, since bouncing it with Mutant Mayhem makes him a mini Beast, but that's just not good enough.

If Star-Lord's identy-specific events, like Sliding Shot, were Superpower cards, then Hope Summers would be in this deck instantly, but alas.

Any Star-lord deck using Build Support can also run IPACfor some cheeky extra cards and encounter cards. I think this is totally unnecessary, but lots of fun!