Frontline Leader

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

munkey8486 · 166

I put together this deck to be an option for introducing new players to the game. I tried to include a little bit of everything the game has, but to be pretty simple to navigate. This runs a lot of useful Avengers allies to help with a variety of situations and provides a lot of ways to pay for them or make them cheaper. Avengers Tower, Quincarrier, Team-Building Exercise, and Super-Soldier Serum all help get out your allies or play the more expensive event. Most of those will work in conjunction with Steve’s ability to get out your first ally cheaper. You’ll want to have Cap take most of the hits for his allies so you can continue to build your board until it’s time to use Lead from the Front or Avengers Assemble! to have a big turn. Since you want to switch to alter-ego a lot to make use of his cost reduction, you should be able to stay healthy.

For mulligans, I would recommend holding onto some resource cards, Maria Hill or Kaluu, some supports or upgrades. The priority on the supports and upgrades being:

  1. Mighty Avengers
  2. Super-Soldier Serum or Quincarrier
  3. Mission Leader
  4. Avengers Tower or Steve's Apartment