Wasp - AOE Overkill

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

underthewronghat · 14

Why build Wasp as an overkill deck? Rocket does it better… Sorta… Rocket draws a card on overkill events. That’s nice. Like Rocket, Wasp has some overkill cards in her hero kit, but also, Wasp does a few things that Rocket can’t do. In giant form, she distributes damage however she wants (with basic attacks or with Wasp Sting).

Example: two 1/1/3 Goblin Thralls in play. Wasp Sting distributes 4, hitting each for 2. She then uses the Hand Cannon and attacks with 5 ATK –distributing the damage to both. This one attack triggers her Follow Through cards twice. Both targets count for the overkill. That’s 3 to one thrall ⇒ 5 overkill, and 2 to the other Thrall ⇒ 4 overkill. 11 total damage from one basic attack.

It’s a lot of setup (3x Follow Through, Combat Training, and the Hand Cannon), but wow! With Rapid Growth, Skilled Strike, and multiple Hand Cannons, she could trigger overkill on 3-4 targets with one attack for +9 or even +12 damage from Follow Through. That feels like a true giant Wasp smashing minions and the villain all at once.

Distributed damage can also knock down several minions to 1-2 hp, in order to set up her other overkill cards: Into the Fray, Moment of Triumph, and Pinpoint Strike.

Overkill is an interesting mechanic in multiplayer: it encourages others to chip away at minions without killing them. This leads to more efficient play with cards like Dive Bomb, and makes things like She Hulk's Ground Stomp very worthwhile.

This is an upgrade heavy deck, and Wasp is short on resources, so I'd call this deck a slower build. Obviously, overkill builds only work in scenarios with lots of minions.

The first trip through the deck, I only use G.I.R.L. power for resources and upgrades. After the first shuffle, G.I.R.L. power sets up unlimited overkill attacks, and her deck is so thin from playing all the upgrades… She’s destructive.


Oct 16, 2024 MitchMarvel · 1

Nice interaction with Follow Through, Hand Cannon, and Wasps basic attack in giant form.