Magik Serves & Protects (Cable +X-Force team up)

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

EDIT · 13

This is an incredible team up that utilizes 2 of the X-Force & X-Men team up cards that have come in the most recent packs.

Set Magik as the first player, and hard mulligan for a copy of Exorcism (or throw it out of your starting hand and use Illyana's interrupt ability to pull it back). so you can help Cable out on his starting side scheme. .

You're going to spend most of the game in hero form and control the threat with Serve and Protect whenever your Cable partner drops down to alter-ego. This is especially great for Steady or Stalwart villains. For steady villains, it gives Magik time to build up Confuse Cards, and for Stalwart, it's one of the few ways to completely stop them from scheming.

You'll soak damage with the toughs you get from Anticipated Attack or your allies will block for you with their toughs that they've received from past Serve & Protect turns.

Then you just chip away at the first stage of the villain until Cable is good and ready to burst down the second stage in a turn or two.