Black Panther - Avengers: Endgame

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Faerlix · 8

Pretty basic army build with Avengers Tower, Triskelion, and Honorary Avenger. Potential for 5 allies out at once with the ability to buff them. Of course, it feels a little bloated so any advice on cuts would be good. Also feel like I should have some First Aid to keep allies in play longer? Anyway, it's my first crack at a deck. Be gentle?


Jan 18, 2020 Southy · 340

All in all, this is pretty good. Since you stated that you want to keep your allies in play longer with this deck, perhaps only have one copy of Avengers Assemble! and 2-3 copies of Lead from the Front. I suggest trashing Nick Fury because you have enough threat removal with all of your allies, you have ways to draw cards, and decent damage. Add as many copies of First Aid as you want and you could be good. Hope this helps!

Jan 18, 2020 Faerlix · 8

Thanks, Southy. Figure drop Nick and two Avengers Assemble for 3x Lead from the Front and 3x First Aid and see how it goes :)