Psy-Dey Sense

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

Castlefrank47 · 1917

You ever wonder what happens if a psionic powerhouse teamed up with a bunch of web warriors?

The answer is some pretty awesome shenanigans! The idea for this deck came from trying to find a hero that could benefit from Spider-Man. While that is one interaction that happens in this deck, i found that Psylocke works really well with the Web-Warrior's in leadership.

This deck takes a 4 hand size hero and turns her into a card drawing machine that will have no problem paying for multiple allies in a turn or her events. You won't have to worry about playing telepathic suggestion or psionic redirect in the villain phase and not having the economy to pay for things during your turn.

The elephant in the room here is that most of our WW's have to already have a WW in play to even be played. The good news is there are several ways around that in this deck and Psylocke is able to take advantage of them even more so than other heroes.

For instance:

Call for Backup and Build Support can get us either a WW ally or Web of Life and Destiny into play once they are thwarted. Both have a threat threshold of 3 and Psylocke just so happens to have 3 thwart with her Psi-Knife upgrades out. This means turn one we can thwart one of those away and the webs can start slinging.

Beyond that, if we draw Spider-Man turn one she has 2 of the 3 necessary kickers to play him in her upgrades if we flip a knife over to a Psi-Katana and Pete does not need a WW in play to be played. Also, with the power in all of us we could use one of those with one psi upgrade to pay for him.

The least likely option is to discard a WW ally and then use Make the Call to pay for them. This does bypass the requirements of needing a WW in play.

So why WW's and Psylocke?

The biggest reason is one of my favorite cards in the game Psychic Kicker which allows us to ready an ally giving them +2 to their next basic action this phase. This accelerates their consequential damage and with Web of Life out this leads to more card draw as well as providing more damage/thwart.

We don't mind them going to discard from consequential as we have 3 make the calls as well as Across the Spider-Verse to pull allies from the discard pile and Psylocke has no problem paying for either of these. Also note that the power in all of us will count as a double when using make the call. Numerous times i have used their last activation just so I could get the card draw and then use make the call to bring then right back. This works especially well for Hobie and Ghost-Spider.

We also have Regroup in here specifically for Otto and Spider-Man. Otto can ready one of our upgrades when played from hand so we can play him to get that extra resource, thwart to keep him on board and then chump. Regroup will send him back to hand as well as getting us card draw from Web. This would give you a 6 card hero turn as well as our 2 resource generators.

Hobie has a really fun when leaving play ability that deals damage to the villain based on the number of boost icons discarded. So we play him and thwart then let him take the hit, bounce back to hand with regroup and do it again the next turn.

This is an example of a turn i have had on numerous occasions:

SP//DR and Peter in play with Web out as well as Leadership Skill. Have SP//DR attack for 2 with leadership skill, use Peter to attack/thwart readying Sp//DR. Have her thwart which then bounces her back to hand from her response drawing a card from Web.

Play SP//DR again and attack for 2 with leadership skill, use psychic kicker to ready Peter and attack for 4 readying Sp//DR again. Have her thwart and bounce back to hand again triggering Web. Play her again and attack.

This would leave you with still 3 or 4 cards in hand depending on if you had doubles to pay for anything allowing you to play Psylocke's in kit cards or get another ally into play.

Another turn looked like this and ended a game:

Had Scarlet Spider and SP//DR in play as well as leadership skill. Attacked with 2 from Scarlet then played Peter who attacked readying Scarlet. Scarlet attacked for 2 again leaving play drawing a card from Web. Played Nick Fury and drew 3 cards. 2 of which were psychic kicker. Attacked for 2 with SP//DR and then used psychic kicker on Peter to attack for 4 readying SP//DR who thwarted bouncing back to hand and drew another card from Web.

Played Otto who attacked for 3 with leadership skill and left play drawing another card. Played SP//DR again who attacked for 2 with leadership. Used Psychic kicker to ready Peter again attacking for 4 which also readies SP//DR and we draw another card due to Peter leaving play. Nick Fury added another 2 damage to finish off the game. I still had several cards in hand as well as Psylocke's basic activation.

The 2 allies i haven't mentioned are:

Ghost-Spider who has some really fun interactions as well. I really like to use her last activation in hero form to grab either Psionic Redirect or Telepathic Suggestion to be ready for the villain phase. We can also ensure that one of those are in the deck by flipping to AE and using a psi upgrade to put one back into the deck.

Kid Omega is another psionic joining the party and he has good synergy with Psylocke since his when entered play can be triggered with her psi knife removing threat.

Clarity of Purpose seems like a weird include but it really helps hit the kickers for Peter if we don't have doubles and can be used to hit Kid Omega's kicker for damage if we wanted to go that route. You can also pay for Across the spiderverse with a double and then use her upgrades with clarity to pay the second cost and grab a 2nd ally from discard.

Overall this deck has been a blast to play and has handled itself extremely well against a number of different scenarios. I would love to hear any feedback on the deck or any experiences with it!

Shoutout to @corbintm and @tjjj for their suggestions on the deck!


Jan 08, 2025 corbintm · 2602

Good stuff sir, thanks for the shout!

Jan 08, 2025 Castlefrank47 · 1917

@corbintm no problem, thank you for your feedback on it

Jan 09, 2025 DaveHigs · 1

How would this deck work for multiplayer. I believe it's mostly solo focused right?

Jan 09, 2025 Castlefrank47 · 1917

I have not played multi-player before so I don't want to mislead anyone. I feel like it could work in MP as it does a solid job of managing threat as well as dealing damage but I would like to hear how it goes if you try it out!

Jan 09, 2025 YourFriendlyNeighbor · 8

I like the Build support interaction, it really solves the problem of having to pay 3 resources to get Web of Life and Destiny, and it can be cleared with chip thwart from Kid Omega for free if you have some more pressing matters, overall seems fun, plus having allies always helps

Jan 09, 2025 HeroicSkeleton · 1127

Looks cool. I don't play enough WW decks with non-WW heroes, and I never need an excuse to play more Psylocke :)

Jan 09, 2025 Castlefrank47 · 1917

@YourFriendlyNeighbor kid Omega is really great for those scenarios that start with side schemes in play. Thanks for checking it out!

@HeroicSkeleton I haven't played too many non-WW hero decks with WW but I was really trying to find uses for Otto and stumbled onto this deck. Appreciate you checking it out!

Jan 10, 2025 YourFriendlyNeighbor · 8

@Castlefrank47 yeah, he can be tricky to use, I think the best use is with Iron man, you get to ready the upgrade and draw a card, maybe a decent substitute, I am surprised on how well the deck ran in my first time, most of the time I have problems getting decks to work, my only problem was that I got Across the Spider-Verse very early so I did not get to use it at all

Jan 10, 2025 Castlefrank47 · 1917

@YourFriendlyNeighbor glad to hear it went well!

Otto can work for some other heroes too, I've been using him with Rocket and there are some decks that use him with Cable and Bishop as well.

Jan 10, 2025 boomguy · 2539

Are CastleFrank decks auto-likes? Yes, they are.

But seriously, nice decklist. There are too many for me to try, it’s great to see so many fun decks getting published.

Jan 10, 2025 Castlefrank47 · 1917

@boomguy too kind, I appreciate you checking it out, there really are too many decks to play and not enough time!

Jan 10, 2025 snejk · 1

While the deck is awesome, I gotta shoutout the name, which is just phenomenal.

Jan 11, 2025 Kalsa86 · 1

Love the idea. I'm looking forward to try it out

Jan 11, 2025 Castlefrank47 · 1917

@snejk appreciate it glad it worked for you! I honestly had the name before I built the deck completely ha

@Kalsa86 appreciate you checking it out, let me know what you think of it!

Feb 02, 2025 SortofBoard · 82

I should have played the villain on expert, but I overestimated Sinister Assault. Psylocke and the spidey crew did a great job of stopping Rhino. This deck felt really good to play. I’ve tried to make Webwarriors work before but had limited success. Psychic Kicker works so well with them.

Feb 02, 2025 Castlefrank47 · 1917

@SortofBoard Yhe WW have been hit and miss for me but I really enjoyed this one. The combo of psychic kicker with Web to get extra thwart/damage and card draw is really nice. Glad to hear/see it went well and I really appreciate you checking it out!