Card draw simulator
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None. Self-made deck here. |
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Chumpions Pod · 172
Welcome to the first deck challenge for the Marvel Chumpions Podcast!
Iron Man's signature ally War Machine is known for being the worst signature ally in the game. We even here at the Chumpions Pod have named our most prestigious end-of-year award after him, The Rhodey Award. With this new year and an updated card pool, we feel it is only right to start our new deck challenge series with Rhody front and center for players to give him some love.
Here, you will take the deck provided and make your own to gain as many points as you can. After you have played, please post your points, the difficulty level, the villain, and your deck in the comments for others to see and enjoy. The top deck (or decks) will get talked about to see what creative way you made Rhodey into the ally he was meant to be. Be warned, we have also made a deck to compete with all of you and it is pretty good.
- Must use cards already in this deck.
- Must follow standard deck-building rules.
- You can play any villain.
- Can't use an already published deck from MarvelCDB.
- War Machine Hero cannot be played.
If you want to log your plays into our Google forum, please do so and we will review the statistics!
1 Point:
- Exactly 40 cards
- End the game with War Machine in play with Sidekick attached.
- Use War Machine's Action ability at least twice. One must be in Alter-Ego.
2 Points:
- Defeat two enemies with War Machine's card ability.
- Don't let War Machine leave play.
5 Points:
- Ready both War Machine and Iron Man twice in a player turn.
Here is the link to our deck we did the challenge with.