The People's Champion

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

AvillanDz · 44

Colossus can be a true force of nature, embodying his role as the protector of mutantkind.
Are you ready to lead the charge?

Deck Strategy
To start, I'd prioritize finding and playing Iron Will, Moira MacTaggert, Organic Steel, and Titanium Muscles. I've found Iron Will to be really good in the early game. It helps us set up faster and gives us better board control. In solo, it allows Colossus to defeat New Recruits by himself.

The core strategy involves using Teamwork and "You Got This"! to boost his basic attack, ideally exhausting and discarding the same ally in a single activation. This is what an ideal turn could look like after you're all set up:

  1. Play Lead from the Front with Titanium Muscles
  2. Exhaust Colossus and play Made of Rage
  3. Play Teamwork to exhaust an ally to boost the attack.
  4. Play "You Got This"! and discard that same ally to boost your attack again.
  5. Ready yourself and do another basic activation.

When all these effects stack, Colossus can reach 22 damage in a single activation. In most cases you'll probably play a combination of those cards, not necessarily all four.

What if the villain has tough?
Wait to play White Queen or Kid Omega (Enhanced Reflexes is here for him), or waste an activation. Hopefully the deck has enough readies where it shouldn't affect you as much.

What if you get stunned or confused?
Same thing. Wait to draw into White Queen or waste an activation. Unshakable could be a good addition if you have it, but I haven't felt like I needed it in my games

More tips:

  • What you choose after defeating the New Recruits side scheme depends entirely on the board state. I've found great use for each of them.
  • Playing Pixie with Titanium Muscles allows him to play the ally she returns to your hand on the same turn.
  • Instead of protecting my toughs by chump blocking, I flip a lot and use Aspiring Artist to shuffle Bulletproof Protector and Armor Up back to the deck. This deck needs allies to stay around for long so that Teamwork and "You Got This"! have targets, so I don't chump block much with this deck.
  • In an attempt to prevent dead hands if you happen to loose all of your thoughs, there's plenty of cheaps targets to trigger Noble Sacrifice, get a tough back, and get your engine running again.