The Iron Heart of Progress!

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

NewfieLad · 360

Against steady/stalwart villains: Replace Sonic Rifle & Upside the Head with Vivian & Spider-Man.

This is a Justice deck designed to try and allow Ironheart to try and build her suit and get to Ironheart version 3 where she will just completely dominate the game. The deck will focus on cheap allies (keep in mind Nick Fury is only 1 when you draw 3 cards and Moon Girl should be free if you pay for her with all mental resources (and there's a lot of those in this deck. In addition to cheap allies, we will hopefully be able to confuse the villain or at least ensure there will be no scheme popping up when you flip down. This is achieved via Upside the Head, Sonic Rifle, and Professor X for confuses and Blindfold to manipulate the deck to provide us a non-Scheme option. Flipping down is important so we can spend the mental resource to get a progress counter and additional ones with we get Ronnie Williams into play.

Being that the early game can be rough (4 hand size and 1 thwart), we have cheap allies, some economy cards, and cheap thwarting. Clear the Area is free thwarting if we can remove the last threat and will help us cycle to cards that will provide progress counters. Tony Stark A.I. will help also help us find what we need to progress. Nick Fury and Moon Girl can be paid for with unwanted cards to hopefully draw into what you need. While I don't normally like Champions Mobile Bunker, getting to your progress counter cards is so important that I actually like it in this deck.

There is also a ton of card draw via 3x One Way or Another. It's best for when you have a Fly Over, but depending on the board situation, if you have a minion out maybe you can draw into Photon Beam. Hopefully, you'll be able to draw a card using Skilled Investigator after summoning a side scheme to defeat. We also have Face the Past. It's really beneficial to get Lucia von Bardas out via Face the Past rather than during the villain phase, so you can kill her measly 4hp without having to worry about a tough status cards. Rule by Force is also better when Lucia von Bardas is not in play. Face the Past is awesome when you also draw into One Way or Another. That said, don't summon Lucia von Bardas unless you're sure you're going to be able to beat her.

Hopefully, you enjoy the deck!