penguino · 1
This deck began with the blueprint laid out in dr00's "So Easy a Hulk Can Do It". That deck is still popular despite being over 4 years old. There have been a lot of new cards since then and I figured I would take a stab at updating (and upgrading) that great deck.
The philosophy of this deck is very simple, Hulk Smash. Yes, there are many other cool combos and opportunities to get big hits in (I will describe some below) but if it comes to a choice between a Hulk Smash and some other card in your hand, you're likely to want to choose to SMASH! Let your teammates do all the other stuff. Just SMASH!
The first thing you may have noticed is that there is only one Ally, Mockingbird. If you are reading this, I likely don't have to tell you how great Mockingbird is and how great she fits in this deck, but the 2 big upsides for me in keeping it in the deck is that it is a physical resource (which if you haven't noticed is definitely a theme for this deck) when you need one or a great opportunity to stun the villain when the opportunity presents itself. Beyond that, I just felt like there weren't any Allies that were worth getting rid of any of the other cards for. Though, I will say that if you are fighting a villain that is minion heavy, then I could be persuaded to make some changes (I will list those below).
Another thing you probably noticed is that I really like Upgrades... like a lot. There are quite a few upgrades that play into this deck's philosophy very nicely. Several of them serve to increase your base attack, either permanently (Combat Training) or conditionally (Boundless Rage, "Now I'm Mad", Fluid Motion, and Hand Cannon Note: if playing multiplayer with a really good Protection player then Boundless Rage essentially becomes a permanent +1 Atk... something to think about). These Upgrades pair very nicely with Events like Crushing Blow, Mean Swing, Quick Strike, and Skilled Strike. Jarnbjorn is a great weapon to ensure that no physical resource goes to waste in your hand but I decided to add Fusillade and Mean Swing to further take advantage of having a weapon that doesn't have to exhaust to use. Add the benefit of Hand Cannon to the mix and you really "upgrade" your chances of having some powerful combos. (see what I did there lol)
You shouldn't have any problems triggering the cards that require physical resources (Crushing Blow, Drop Kick, Hulk Smash, Sub-Orbital Leap, and Unstoppable Force) in this deck, if you do, then I'm not sure you know how to play this game.
Now let's say that you are going up against a villain that really likes their minions. Here are some cards that I would substitute in. I really think capitalizing on "excess damage" is a fun way to handle all the minions coming your way. Cards like Follow Through, No Quarter, Moment of Triumph, and Relentless Assault are some favorites that can really make smashing minions fun. For me I probably would substitute these "minion smashing" cards for the "weapon smashing" cards but I also am not afraid to have more than 40 cards in my deck since you have 12+ upgrades that you can play to thin out your deck again.
Anyways, I hope this deck is fun for you all to play. Let me know your thoughts! Happy SMASHING!!
Wow, I've never seen anyone drop Energy and Genius for the double-resources, but it makes sense. I'd probably replace Fusillade for a Strength resource attack event -maybe just Clobber.