Card draw simulator
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Footballcoach · 18
A Paired deck, intended to be played Duo or Multiplayer with Rogue: Unleashed Fortune. (
Playing Your Side of the Board
If you've run an ally swarm deck, you'll know the basics of how this works. Rogue's companion deck carries most of the complexity in this duo. Phoenix wants to get Uncanny X-Men and Utopia on the board as soon as possible, and then play lots of allies to maximize their benefits. Phoenix also loves Utopia readying because she either has 3 thwart in the beginning of the game, or 3 attack in the late-to-mid game. You can consider this extra 3 thwart/attack as a bonus for playing an ally, which she already wants to do.
Because of the built-in Psionic keyword, three copies of Psychic Kicker can help you get the most out of your allies, and use them up faster so they can defend for you. Three copies of "To Me, My X-Men!" will let you "cheat" allies onto the table. Note that they come back into your hand at the end of the phase after you draw up to your hand size, so this adds another card to your hand for the next round. Nice.
Phoenix's events are fine when you begin the game. They really start to shine when you go unleashed, though, which you should do as soon as you can. After going unleashed, anything that adds power counters back to Phoenix Force is great, 'cause that's resources to fuel your events, but I never plan to return to restrained side.
Assisting Your Partner
Besides running and Ally swarm, Phoenix supports her partner by getting Phoenix Suit out as soon as possible, and this should be a priority. Play it as soon as you have it, not because it's great (it's doing very little for you personally), but because of the value it adds for Rogue.
See, when you have Phoenix Suit out, Phoenix gains Aerial, even in alter-ego. When Phoenix Force is on the unleashed side, you gain Unleashed, even in alter-ego, Both of these are bold keywords that Rogue has when she applies Touched to your identity. Combined with Psionic keyword, you're giving Rogue everything she needs to supercharge her own events, and the Phoenix events that she can grab with Superpower Adaptation.
Phoenix has the low low printed hit points of 9. Allies serve as blockers for her. Rogue can help some there, too, since she's running a green deck and Bulletproof Belle can intercept attacks aimed at you without either player having to exhaust. Because of this, I haven't found myself playing Rise from the Ashes, though it's not a bad effect (full healing instead of death) for the cost.
The main threat to this duo is... threat. Particularly on the main scheme. You will be responsible for this initially, while Rogue builds out her kit. Phoenix has the fantastic thwart stat of 3 when beginning the game restrained, and can ready with Utopia. Later in the match, once you're unleashed, Telepathic Trickery can thwart and stun/confuse, and Rogue can be pretty flexible with her superb thwarting events (and yours, which she can yank with Superpower Adaptation)
Rogue's nemesis set is bad for this duo, since it adds threat to the main scheme AND functionally kneecaps your hand size with Misled. Unless you get very unlucky, Dark Phoenix isn't likely to be out in the early game. In the late game, she's more of a nuisance than a threat to the board.