Wheel of X-Men

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet


I have not had much luck with Nightcrawler outside of Protection. I kept finding myself unable to use his hero cards because Bamf! kept getting used up for Defense. But with some time to kill waiting for Agents of SHIELD, I made this deck and have been doing well with it.

Nothing too groundbreaking, but the idea is to use a "To Me, My X-Men!", Make the Call and Sneak Attack to bring in X-Men allies with "enters play" bonuses, obtain those bonuses, and then use them up attacking, thwarting and chump blocking so that Nightcrawler can keep his Bamfs around for playing his hero cards.

While it doesn't work combined with Sneak Attack, Rapid Response allows you recycle your allies for a second use of their "enters play" bonuses and another chump block.

Nothing very complicated or groundbreaking, but it was fun Bamfing around, being very Nightcrawlery, while the rest of the X-men kept the villains busy. This deck doesn't hit super-hard, so remember to keep dealing damage or the game can go long or give the villain a chance to come back.