Ant-Man Pym Pals

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

AlwaysAngryJay · 905

Looking to march onto the battlefield with your Giant-Men and crush your foes under your heels? Than look no further than Pym Pals!

Now before you call me as unstable as Hank Pym, I know this deck looks weird missing a lot of what many consider staples in Leadership. In my experience keeping your allies precious and hoping to draw cards or worse, hang onto them over multiple turns to make huge plays can really slow you down. Instead I focus on a large cache of supports to get the ball rolling to quickly help make it easier to drop your heavy hitters. Instead of drawing events and upgrades you may not need for one or two cycles through your deck, you can be laying foundation and thinning your deck to unleash some extremely potent combos. There's no time to "Voltron" when you have Ultron to defeat!

This deck brings 3 heavy hitters with Goliath, Giant-Man, and Vision and combos them with Earth's Mightiest Heroes (Arguably Scotts favorite card) to really maximize their output in specific regards to Goliath and Vision during their triggers. To me they really stand tall on their own and I use them as I get them because there are so many uses in this deck for EMH, even Thwarting on Tiny side, that again I rarely try and hang onto anything if I don't have to.

What's more is once you get your Giant Strength's set up you too become a powerhouse of potent pummeling and can use EMH to your own benefit.

Team-Building Exercise helps pay for a staggering 16 cards in this deck (it doesn't help pay for Ant-Man sadly) which is why I am comfortable running three but usually only prioritize dropping 2 over other supports early on.

Quincarrier works well for reliably triggering Vision and Powered Gauntlets but if the slot is highly contested feel free to insert Genius back.

For set up the sooner you get your Ant-Man's Helmet the better along with your plethora of supports. Team-Building Exercise pays for itself quite quickly in this list so prioritize one or two of those which will greatly smooth out later turns.

Finally for those unaware you can actually trigger Giant Strength twice in one turn if you have any two of your Resize's and/or Swarm Tactics and start your turn on your tiny side allowing for a massive +4 attack with the full combo. While I don't expect to pull this off every game, one of the advantages of keeping the list so lean is being able to make this possible more often with the help of Strength In Numbers.

Overall this is a strong and versatile list that pumps out powerful allies and allows both you and them to stand tall and crush your foes. I hope you enjoy this deck and give a more streamline Leadership list a chance.


Nov 08, 2020 Siris101 · 18

This is a really interesting and unique deck. I will try it out soon and let you know what I think.