Role Player: Black Widow - Minion Handler

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
None yet

KennedyHawk · 17380

This is the deck I go over on Episode 33 of Marvel Champions Monthly. Typically, your aspect defines your "role" in a multiplayer game. We assigned each aspect a role and asked the hosts to build a deck.

This deck is all about handling the minions! Some key strategies:

Black Widow is the ultimate handler of these minions as you can use Rapid Response to keep bringing back allies to recur their effects. Some of my favorite effects to recur:

-Squirrel Girl's aoe ping

-Hawkeye arrow counter refill

-US Agent to refill his health and retaliate away

-Heimdall to screen the top of the deck and eliminate minions!

Widow herself brings a lot. Dance of Death is a great damage spreading attack so you can bring all the minions to the right health level to die to a Squirrel Girl or a Widowmaker ping. Widow's Bite just adds to your control of the minions so you can fill that role for your team.
