Quicksilver [Protection] - Lightning Speed

Card draw simulator

Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Quicksilver [Protection] - Lightning Speed 0 0 0 1.0

bmay511 · 304

Take advantage of the Speedster's ability to ready himself numerous times in both the hero and villain phases. Massive defense boosts make him hard to hit. Multiple ways to boost his attack, thwart, and defense - allowing you to deal with whatever problems the current board state may present. Works great in both Solo, and in multiplayer! Additionally, his cost curve averages heavily in the "1-cost" column, allowing you to play most cards you would have in your hand on any given turn ... Enjoy!


Feb 08, 2021 Superbosher · 146

This is a good deck because you defend every turn so it is smart to have events which activate when you defend so good deck.

Feb 08, 2021 neothechosen · 10662

Looks interesting! And indeed a good way to capitalize on Quicksilver's power. I noticed the absence of double resources. I get that most of the deck is 1-costed, still, isn't it difficult to play bigger cards without them or the carriers?

Feb 08, 2021 Superbosher · 146

Please could you like my decks because I liked yours.

Feb 08, 2021 bmay511 · 304

@neothechosenYa know, I actually just forgot to add them! Lol! The median cost curve is so low that you probably don't need them, but yes - removing one copy of Adrenaline Rush, Civic Duty, and Never Back Down, for a copy of each one of them, and it would still work well. Thanks for pointing that out!

Feb 08, 2021 bmay511 · 304

@Superbosher - Yes! I definitely will! Having a difficult time with my phone allowing me to do so, but when I get to computer, I will. Thanks for liking and commenting on mine!

Feb 08, 2021 Superbosher · 146

your-welcome and thanks

Feb 14, 2021 bmay511 · 304

Furthermore, try subbing in 2 copies of Enhanced Awareness for both copies of Down Time. You typically won't take much damage with this deck if used properly, and Pietro will heal you for 1/3 of your max HP on his own, anyways ... Quicksilver only has ONE resource generator in his deck, (most heroes have 2+), and I've found from playing this deck more, that he needs just a bit more "oomph" in the resource department in order to maximize his utility and play his cards. Enhanced Awareness specifically, so as to increase the chance of using Warlock's ability ...

Good luck, and enjoy!!!

Mar 20, 2021 Cogahan · 39

@bmay511 I actually don't think he struggles with recourses all that much. He basically has an infinite resource pool with his kinda dumb friction resistance. Maybe one Nerves of steel, wich comes with his Start deck, and one PoP, but thats about everything you need for him, especially in a generally cheap deck like this

Nov 22, 2022 AncientEpithet · 732

Great deck! I like the unintentional removal of the double resources. You end up with more playable options and so many of your cards are 1 cost or 0 cost anyway, I don't know that it's much of a loss. I wonder if you could substitute Desperate Defense for Expert Defense, since you've got Friction Resistance to pay for them (and then ready for free, assuming a perfect defense). I don't know how reliable that is. I think Expert Defense is better if you only need to defend once, but maybe in multiplayer maybe Desperate Defense is better?

Also, I'm really curious how you might update this with the newer card pool! Would you include Deft Focus or maybe Flow Like Water? What about Hard to Ignore?